Snow and the tree: Kutsuki Keshino SS

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what is happiness? to some it is a niche gift from someone close, to others it is moments spent with good people they love and adore but there are some who find happiness in other things.

interactions and attention...

being loved by someone dear to them

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being loved by someone dear to them...

some even find happiness in material things such as money and wealth

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some even find happiness in material things such as money and wealth...

some even find happiness in material things such as money and wealth

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but where do i land in all of this?...i haven't felt any of that, i was born in a place so dark that light feared to touch the ground where i laid upon, my body was so frail yet my could remember everything that happened back then...a wailing mother, broken and empty bottles on every spot of the ground, a scruffy man who spat at my direction everytime my cries echoed through the room.

then the most interesting thing happened...i went unconscious and found myself in a far and empty space, i remember every face there, the twins, the prince, the queen and of course...who can forget our dear god!.

the ever cruel and cold being that brought us all here, our entire purpose was to just become absolute perfect tools, tools that would make even the strongest of man quake in his boots!!.

alas...a torch appeared, the torch hoped and led us all through a guiding light towards a supposed future but even it didn't know of the fate of those who were as insignificant as myself....

"we're here young man, are you sure you can walk by yourself?" the old man with small cap said as he looked at me with worry.

"ahaha no worries sir!, i am sure i will be perfectly fine, i am meeting my best friend here" i replied as i smiled at him.

the man's eyes looked at me sadly before turning his head towards the window and sighing.

"is your friend well?...meeting at an asylum isn't really positive you know?..." he said as i got out.

it really isn't positive like he says...but what can you do when you have been broken by cruel people and even crueler friend...

i sigh as i step forward and enter the reception area of the building.

"ah! good morning miss, i'd like to ask if i can meet the girl in your building named Yuki Takahashi" i said with a calm smile as i stared at the woman wearing a nurse outfit.

"eh?! takahashi-san...err...i don't think she's allowed visitors at the moment..." she mumbled as she stared at me nervous.

"i'll pay" 

"eh?! what are you saying sir??!" she shouted out in confusion at me.

"one hundred thousand yen, give it to the hospital manager" i said as i pulled over my bag and put a small brown bag before her.

"how the hell did you come by this much money?! i'll call the poli-!"

i cut her words off by putting my finger on her mouth.

"there's no need, consider it a gift, now mind showing me her room?" i said with a bright a smile as the woman's eyes showed fear and shock in them.

one hundred thousand yen really isn't much...considering the amount of money in sir's bank account this much is like change you give as a tip to the waiter.

i sigh as the woman gets up and glances to the right and left, the hall is quite empty indeed, nobody comes to such a place everyday nor is security need as much aside from the main door.

"very well...follow me sir" she said as she got up and we headed towards the elevator.

can't believe i am going to meet yuki again!, this will be so much fun and interesting, i wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years, i wonder how much she's changed?, maybe she got a haircut or dyed her hair?!...nah what am i saying, yuki would never change her hair, she loves her hair after all...

"we're here, i ask of you to not try and touch the patient, no amount of money can cover the damages that may occure if she manages to escape" the nurse said as she bowed at me.

"ahaha don't worry miss, me and her friends!" i said as i opened the door and entered.

as soon as i did, i felt a cold upon my body, the room was white and somewhat cushoned at the walls, there's nothing inside it but a girl who is my age, she has waist length brown hair and her eyes are aimlessly staring at the dying bulblight above her room, at a closer look i notice her leg and hands are chained to the wall preventing her escape.

"Ah...hi yuki, it's been a while" i said as i sat down before her with my bag put to my right.

she didn't respond and continued staring at the lightbulb.

"we were students together back in professor ayanokoji's facility if you don't remember, you and me and kiyotaka were the last 3 students for a while..."

at the mention of kiyotaka's name she turned to me and smiled.

"kiyotaka...kiyotaka...kiyotaka" she muttered three times as she smiled to herself, her eyes look so hollow...

"err...yeah, i am doing well by the way!, i have been taken in by this really kind foreigner who cared for me up until now"

she ignored my words and continued muttering kiyotaka's name...

"hey do you remember when we used to play tag?, i used to always lose while hina-san would win barely thanks to shirou!" i said as i smiled happily at her.

"kiyotaka...kiyotaka..." she mumbled as she stared at the ground.

"ahahaha...hah..ha what am i saying? never even looked at me back then..."

it's all just a lie i tell to myself...

it was always kiyotaka and hina, nobody else mattered to yuki, and who can blame her...he is the masterpiece, he is the greatest, he is the best while we're all just failures, he is the son of atsuomi ayanokoji while i am the orphan from god knows where, he is living his life while i am...dead.

i stare at her again...what am i doing here again?...did i really think that after four years she'd actually even care about me?, i was nothing and i still am nothing...

i got up from the floor and stared down at her, she's truly lost all of her sanity...what exactly happened to yuki the bright and positive girl from four years ago...

i sigh as i grab my bag, did i seriously think i would find some sort of hope to cling onto here?...this world is just bleak and dark, there's no happiness for me in it, i am the weak and everyone else is the strong, i am the sad clown and they're all the audience clapping their hands out for me...i am god's lonely man.

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