Y1 Vol8.5: Fear

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

i woke up once again in the hotel bed, to my left on the other bed in the room is okitani, he is unexpectedly the perfect roommate, quiet and understanding but he can enjoy his time when he wants to, he also doesn't treat me like i am an urban myth.

i was still half asleep still squirming in my bed before a familiar ringing sound started happening right beside me.

i turned to the left and found it to be my phone...who is calling me at this hour i wonder, the guesses i have are either; ryuuji wants to hang out, horikita wants to discuss our plans for the upcoming few months we got and finally it could be ayano, though her demands aren't within my realm of expectations...

i grab my phone and slowly open my eyes to see who the caller is...

"hiratsuka-sensei?..." i murmered as i got up from the bed and held my phone all the way to the balcony.

i glance a look back...good he is still sleeping so this should be fine.

i answer the call and speak up.


"ah! ayanokoji thank god you're awake!"

"is something the matter sensei?"

"err...no not really i just wanted to talk to you about something..."


"is it about takayanagi-sensei's attempt at removing yuuichi"


"i see"

"why did you win against him, he prepared everything for you to lose the game and remove yuuichi from your way?!"



"don't pry into my life"


"i appreciate your help when i ask for it or when it is timely correct but the matter of yuuichi is mine to handle"


"for now though, do you have sakayanagi arisu's contact info?"

"eh? arisu-chan?...i do but why?"

"send it to me through a message"

"huh? wait wh-!"

i closed the call with hiratsuka-sensei and looked back to the room...he is still sleeping, good.

a few seconds later she sent me sakayanagi's contact info.

since this is supposedly the final day of our time here i should use it to get a few words out of her about johan liebert since i couldn't do so previously.

i open up the page of her contact info and...that icon is very much like her, it's the queen piece in a chess board...

i press on the phone icon and call her, here's hoping she's awake by now.

the phone rings for a few minutes before she answers.

"hello, who is this?"

"it's ayanokoji"

"oh my! ayanokoji-kun has decided to call me? how unexpected..."

"i suppose so, in any case are you free to talk?"

"hmmm perhaps i am, pray tell what do you desire of me?"

"not on the phone, i'll meet you in a few minutes at the cafe by the clothes store left of the hotel"

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