Y1 Vol10: The Alpha

517 33 18

(Atsuomi Ayanokoji's POV)

rebellious, reckless, unruly...these are some words that can describe the imperfect specimen that is my daughter...hina, she is a foolish girl who was influenced by the words of an equally foolish woman.

freedom and bright futures are the biggest lies an adult can give to a child, there's no hope nor love nor good in this universe, there's simply those who are weak and sad and those who are strong and showering in their victory.

the weak are easily used and so is those who are naiive to think of happiness, hina is a damned fool and is nowhere near kiyotaka's strength nor intellect but she is undeniably strong and has potential, so when i came to this realization and found my flawless gem running off into a trap he isn't ready for, i decided to do something i should've planned for long ago.

if god wishes to face me and show me that my hubris and will is nowhere near reaching his high sky of creation, if he truly wishes to send his son to me and order him to mock me then...i'll create a son in his image much like adam, i'll send him along with a shepherd, they will destroy that damned devil, the boy born in the light will destroy god's son...the son born in the dark.

"ehhhhh chain-kun lost again!!" shingen said as he face palmed his mask in sadness.

i sighed as i stared at the two inside the training room leave slowly before turning my gaze towards tsukishiro, his smile seems faded and disappointed.

ignorant fool...

"oi atsuomi!, let's have another fight i beg you!!!" shingen demanded as he pleaded towards me.

this man...he acts often like a fool but who can forget his accomplishments alongside those two, an old sack but when put together with two talented people he can create fine pieces of art like her...sumeragi chain.

i sigh as i rest my head upon my hand and the door opens.

"ah! we're back sir" hoshikawa said as she bowed towards me.

i nodded at her as the two with her stood in the back quietly.

i get up from my seat and put my hand on my pocket.

"hoshikawa, escort those two to the exit and call over sumeragi and those two to my office" i say as i pass the young man with black hair.

shiba shinji, the eldest son of shiba taizen...an old friend is what people address someone like him, it's thanks to his financial support that the whiteroom became what it is, though he was attacked by his youngest son for undisclosed reasons and became crippled and scarred...

sakayanagi should be removed from the school by now, by doing so we create a hole in that damned monster's defenses where i can send as many people as i want to beat him, though i suppose the team i am sending now should be enough, as long as they don't foolishly try and fufill the supposed goal of this mission which is to expel kiyotaka.

every damned fool in this facility doesn't understand the truth, kiyotaka ayanokoji is in a league of his own, none can dare to come close to him nor match him, he is everything i have worked for all these past years, he is mine...my flawed replica...

i put my hand on the door knob and twist it to open the door.

this office is the only place i find a sense of focus within, everywhere else is filled with fools who are only thinking of what's before them not what's beyond...

*knock knock knock*

"come in" i said to which the door opened and from it came hoshikawa.

"ah! sir, they're here like you asked, shall i let them in?" she asked politely.

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