Y1 Vol8: Cracks in the shell

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

"time!" hiratsuka-sensei said as the 3rd group of our class finished their run at the pool, while me and yuuichi sat beside one another

"and there she goes getting the 2nd best time in our class again" he said as he pointed at ayano as she came out of the pool right after horikita.

"swimming is her forte i suppose" i replied as i stared at her while she and horikita talked

"good for you on stealing her heart then mister womanizer"

womanizer?...i consider myself on the top 3 list of worst boys a woman can interact with to be honest...

"thanks...i guess" i mumbled as silence befill our conversation.

hmm why is he silent all of a sudden? has his act finally run out of ideas?...

"say ayanokoji, if one day there was a chance for you to reach class A but you had to pick one of us four friends to expel...who would you choose?" yuuichi suddenly asked as he looked at me with a grin.

who would i expel for the sake of reaching class A? interesting question...

ayano is out of the question, aside from the fact that me and her are in a...relationship, she is a valuable asset to my work, her popularity and leadership is useful and she is an extremely observant person, not to mention the fact she's the only person to have full knowledge of who i am...

as for horikita...she too is valuable, her intellect and influence outside the class is useful and she and ayano make for a fearsome duo when leading the class.

ryuuji on the otherhand is an odd case, he is neither smart nor physically capable for long, his injury hinders him from becoming the absolute ace of our class strength wise but...he is a valued 'friend' to me, i have come to understand the modern world better thanks to him and his acceptance of my quote end quote 'awkwardness'

finally there's yuuichi...the most dangerous enemy to me in this school, he is an absolute enigma, his personality shifts quite often and his means of attack are reckless but all of that is nothing when we come to the fact that he...knows my past, which is possibly the worst part of our friendship, otherwise me and him could've been better...friends i suppose.

so if i had to pick one...it'd be yuuichi, it'll remove various dangers that may occure in the future.

"you, i would expel you" i said as i looked at the 4th group beginning their prepration.

yuuichi scoffed before saying.

"yeah, i'd pick me too, but in all seriousness...if i ever get the chance to do it...i will expel you ayanokoji"

i glanced a look at him and he was grinning quite widely, finally showing his true colors huh...

"i am aware, but for now...we're stuck as friends" i replied as i got up and decided to check up on ayano.

i walk towards her as she was sitting on the bench by the pool seemingly humming to herself with a smile on her face.

"something good happen?" i ask as i approach her.

she turned her head towards me and with a smile she nodded.

"mhm! horikita-san agreed to have a sleepover with me!" she said in response as she got up.

a sleepover?...is that something to be excited about so much?

"you seem very enthusiastic about it, is it that big of a deal?"

"it is it is!, it means me and her are officially friends!"

officially?...is there some form of contract one must sign to become friends that i don't know of?.

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