Y2 Vol7: Cultural Festival 2

304 18 46

(3rd Person POV)

With the festival beginning, many of the faculty workers are out putting in the extra work while trying to stop the journalists from poking their noses into the school's secretive business.

Though to such a rule there are exceptions...for example, the chairman. Who was graciouslly seated in his office with his leg crossed over the other while calmly looking at the sky through his office window.

Before him stood a young woman with short black hair and purple eyes wearing a suit, her hands were in her pocket and her name was...Sumeragi Chain.

"Sir...i have some important news to tell you" Sumeragi spoke up first as she stared calmly at the chairman who glanced a look at her before sighing.

"The importance of a matter is determined by the person viewing it, i do wonder what could be important to you, to the point you look oh so worried like this...Chain-kun" he replied as he turned towards her and crossed his hands on the table while leaning close.

Sumeragi gulped slightly before pulling out of her right pocket an envelope.

It had the letter 'A' stamped on it using red wax closing it.

The chairman took the envelope from Sumeragi and looked at it before smiling slightly.

He put it beside him on the table before looking at Sumeragi.

"Let me ask you a question Chain-kun, what do you think is the true point of the journey man takes through creating people like yourself?" he asked Sumeragi who simply stayed silent as she thought to herself.

"To gain power and control over all?..." she replied hesitantly to which the chairman smiled.

"Power and control huh...your answer is quite based on my existence i see, or perhaps it is based on your experience with Atsuomi?...nevertheless...it is wrong"

The chairman stood up and turned around towards the window.

"There is more wisdom in man's body than there's in his deepest philosophy. Barely anyone in the world understands that and the only person i have met that knows is regrettably my foe. In any case, the answer to man's questions go only as far as his mind wishes to percieve, someone like Takuya Yagami for example; He hindered his potential severely by believing only in the strength of Ayanokoji-kun, if he believed in the absolute endlessness of man's potential early on...he would've easily surpassed him"

Sumeragi's eyes widened at his words before she rubbed her chin thinking then once again she was surprised.

"Then...is this the reason you even accepted Hina as a student?..." she asked as the chairman turned around and exhaled a small breath of relief.

"Perhaps it is and perhaps not..."

He slowly turned around and grabbed the envelope and opened it revealing the message.

Reading it his eyes slowly narrowed and his smile grew into a grin.

"What does it say?...is it from the professor?..." Sumeragi asked nervously.

"No not at all, it's from an amusing bunch who are quite foolishly ignorant..."


The chairman turned around and grabbed his pen and signed the paper and put it back in the envelope.

Sumeragi shivered slightly as he spoke up with his smile turning into something...very terrifying

very terrifying

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