Y1 Vol10: Hoshikawa

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ACHOO!! ugh...i am sorry...i really shouldn't sneeze when recording something important but i couldn't keep it in...

alright so i guess i should start with a bit of a self introduction, my name as shown in my awkwardly worn arm band is Hoshikawa!, hoshikawa kaori to be exact, feel free to use either one of them to address me i don't mind ehehe...

well where do i start exactly...hmm oh! the professor!! yeah he is a good starting point i believe.

professor atsuomi ayanokoji is the most amazing man i have ever seen in my life!!, he is an average and ordinary man like any other but he possesses a far looking eye towards the future and his goals, he started off quite simple from what i heard but soon after started this place...the whiteroom!

the whiteroom is the place where i am usually present at alongside the professor!, it's a pretty cold and bland facility with all kinds of tools and files made for the sole reason of creating one thing and that is...the perfect human!, someone who would be capable of doing things no ordinary nor extraordinary human could do!.

the first generation of students who graduated for the sake of that reason were quite amazing!!, very amazing if i do say so myself, it was all thanks to the efforts of the two young scientists, kenjirou tateyama and his wife ayaka tateyama!, they were quite genius at formulating the perfect way to raise a human to becoming a true perfection, though kishitani-sensei is to thank for the masterpiece's results nowdays.

the first generation is so amazing in fact that only 30% of the entire batch of the students dropped out!, the most impressive one of them has got to be sumeragi-senpai!!, she's my senior and the top student of the first generation!.

she is one of the few people in history and the world to manage to graduate through level 7 of the highly secretive 'whiteroom curriculum' oooo very scary...ehehe...thank god professor isn't going to listen to this otherwise i'd be fired and probably thrown in the ocean...

well in any case aside from me getting the shank shank in the gut or getting the brrrbbbr in the ocean...the second and third generation were all the same.

the second generation had 34% dropout rate whilst the third had...74%, it was due to the fact that the professor returned from a certain trip to germany that also sparked the fourth generations start!.

hoo boy where do i start with the fourth generation...unlike the first generation which focused on supersoliders or the second and third which focused on mentality, the fourth generation was an indiviualist generation, meaning the concept of one for all and all for the game didn't exist!.

only one rule was put out to everyone that they must follow or they will face hell and that is...'strength equals everything!', and it wasn't just the physical or mental kind of strength, non non! it was absolute superiority in every aspect, social, mental, physical, academic and spiritual!.

i had only joined this institute at a fairly young age, i was just nineteen of age and was quite nervous and experienced, i joined around the time when the dropouts started appearing and wow...it was 99%, meaning out of all the 76 students that were in this generation only one! stayed.

that one that stayed was in the words of sumeragi-senpai..."throughout the heavens and the earth; he alone is the honored one!"and who can dare to object such a phrase?, ayanokoji kiyotaka the first son of professor ayanokoji and the absolute peak and perfection of 20 years of work!, i have only ever gotten a few chances to see him and...he truly is amazing!, aside from the fact he makes my good senpai sumeragi shocked and sweating from fear...

she called him "the thing we all had feared to be when we first stepped foot in this place as young children" which makes him really scary at first hand but theeeeeeeeeeen you get to the second offspring of the professor and probably my favorite person in this entire facility!.

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