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We'd been walking for a few hours, but I wasn't exactly sure how long because I fell asleep on my dad's shoulder. "Girls, wake up, we're here." My dad's voice said. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, I looked over and saw that Sophia must have fallen asleep too.

I looked forward and we were presented with a large field, then a large farmhouse surrounded by more fields. There was a barn as well. I saw tents set up outside and I also noticed the edge of a pond that must've gone behind the house. "This is where you've been staying?" Sophia asked.

"Yea. It's safe. Little to no walkers and if there is one, you can see it coming about ten minutes before it can get to ya. We're safe here. We've been going into the forest daily to search for you girls and Jacob." Dad explained.

"Is everyone okay? Did everyone else survive the highway?" I asked.

"Yea, T-dog was hurt but he's alright now. While we were in the forest searching, Carl was shot, by this guy Otis. Shane and he went to get equipment to save Carl. Shane's okay, Otis didn't make it, Hershel saved Carl's life." Dad informed us.

"Hershel?" Sophia repeated.

"Yea, he's the guy who owns the farm. Hershel Greene. He lives here with his family. He doesn't seem too keen on us staying though." Dad replied.

Then I saw people running towards us. I knew that they probably had someone up on the RV to be a look out, and whoever it was had spotted us. As the people ran closer, I made out Carol, Lori and Rick. Dad put down Sophia first but helped her stand until her mother got to her. "Sophia!" Carol yelled, happy tears running down her face.

"Mommy!" Sophia yelled back. Carol fell down to her knees and so did Sophia as they hugged. I smiled as Sophia was finally reunited with her mother. I knew that I'd get her here. I hugged my dad tighter as he brought his left hand that was no longer occupied with Sophia round to me again.

"I'm so happy you girls are okay." Rick smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder.

Carol looked up to me while she was still hugging Sophia. "Jacob?"

"I'm sorry. We didn't see him. We fell down a ditch when we got off the highway, Jacob kept running forward. We were split up from the start." I answered.

She nodded, tightening her grip on Sophia. "I'm glad you're okay." She smiled at me.

"You had us worried sick." Lori commented.

"Come on, let's get you girls cleaned up and get some food in ya." Dad said. Carol helped Sophia to her feet before she noticed the cast on her leg.

"What happened, sweetheart?" Carol asked.

"I fell out of a tree. Ellie saved me." Sophia replied.

"I wouldn't say that. Point is she can't walk. The crutch she was using ended up in a walker's head, so..." I trailed off. Jumping down from my father. I hissed as my feet touched the floor, the pain shooting up my legs.

"Hey, you still can't walk either." Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"I've got her. You take Sophia. We'll get Hershel to take a look." Rick said, picking me up and putting me on his hip as dad picked up Sophia again.

"I'm alright, just really tired, and hungry, and thirsty, and dirty." I listed.

"Well, we can take care of that now." Lori smiled as we started walking. I noticed that even though my dad was carrying Sophia, Carol had a strong grip on Sophia's hand as we walked through the field.

"It's nice here." Sophia commented.

"You're going to love it." Rick smiled at her.

We got up to the house and walked in. "Hershel." Lori called.

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