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We'd stopped by a stream. We'd spent the whole night camping out in the woods, it had been cold, so I'd cuddled up between my dad and Michonne to keep warm. They never did wake me up for my turn to keep watch. Tyreese was washing his shirt in the water, my dad and Michonne were looking over the map, Bob was standing there pretending to be useful... And so was I. 

"This is Turner Creek so Barnesville must be a few miles downstream." Michonne pointed on the map, but I was too short to see what she was pointing at.

"Sounds like our best chance at finding a new ride." Bob pointed out.

"Yo, Ty." Dad called over to our friend. "Come on, let's go."

" Vámonos." I commented.

Me, Michonne and dad started walking away. I heard Bob calling for Tyreese when apparently, he didn't move straight away. I didn't turn back though; I wasn't that interested.

We were very close to the town; my feet had started hurting so I was on my dad's back. His right hand held his crossbow so I wouldn't impale myself while having a piggyback ride, his left hand was under my left thigh, just to make sure I didn't somehow fall off. Suddenly, he squatted down to pick something up off the floor. I tightened my grip on him slightly because his left arm abandoned my leg. He picked up some dusty looking rock thing. "Is that Jasper?" Michonne asked. Dad hummed, so Michonne continued. "It's a good colour, brings out your eyes." Michonne joked, a big goofy smile on her face so I also laughed.

"You want a lift or not?" Dad asked me, with a raised eyebrow and a small grin playing on his lips.

"Sorry, daddy." I laughed, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

Dad stood back up. "When Miss Richards went into A block, we were leaving. Asked me to keep a lookout. Wanted to use it for her old man's marker." By that, he meant to put on his grave. We didn't write names above the dead, we put something on their grave that reminded the living of what they were like before.

"You know all of them back there?" Michonne questioned.

"You stay in one place more than a couple hours; you'd be surprised what you pick up." Dad responded, before he carried on walking, pocketing the rock before putting his hand back under my thigh.

We'd approached the town. I noticed something under a bunch of holly. "Daddy, put me down." I tapped his shoulder.

He let me jump down, also staring at it. I did learn my tracking skills from him, and he was obviously way better at it than me, so whatever I saw- he saw first. "You see something?" Bob questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe." Dad responded, walking over to it with me trailing along his side.

After realising there was a car under there, dad was trying to hot wire it while the rest of us cleared off the holly. When we were halfway done clearing the car, dad came out with a sigh. "What's the problem?" I questioned, easily recognising the look on his face.

"We need to find us a new battery." Dad replied.

"Reckon there'll be one in there?" Michonne indicated to the car garage we were next too.

"Might be able to find some supplies too." Bob added. I was next to a window, flipping round my gun I knocked the butt of it into the glass, so it broke. I was about to grab the torch dad was about to pass me when hands came out of the hole and grabbed my hair. I didn't even have time to react before the grip was gone by Michonne cutting off the arms of the walker, dad raised his crossbow and shot the walker in the head.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now