This is a My Bad Situation

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Sophia had cancelled more plans with me to go hang out with Enid. I was sitting on the steps on my porch, just breathing in the afternoon air when someone sat next to me. I looked to my left and saw Carl. "What you wanna do?" Carl questioned.

"Huh?" I pushed.

"Sophia cancelled plans with you for Enid. So, I cancelled plans with Micky and Ron for you." Carl shrugged.

I smiled. "You didn't have to do that."

He smiled. "When I said: sorry, guys, I can't hang out anymore. My little sister needs me. Did they laugh at me? Absolutely. Will I get over it? Yes. So, what do you wanna do?"

"Thanks, Carl." I nudged his shoulder gently with mine.

He smiled. "You're more fun than those dweebs anyways."

I checked the time on his watch. "Nobody's guarding the gates for the next ten minutes. There's a falter in the switchover router. We could sneak out... Sharpen up on killing a few walkers. Maybe hunt down some dinner for tonight?"

Carl nodded. "We'd be in so much shit all the adults. I can already picture their faces."

I laughed. "What are they gonna do? Take away our phones?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Man, it sucks the world went to Hell before we were old enough to have phones." Carl sighed. "Anyways, I'm game. Olivia's over Deanna's right now, helping plan some party. We could grab our weapons."

I stood up. "What are we waiting for?"

Me and Carl had stolen our weapons from inventory and headed over to the gates. We opened it and slipped out. Since we couldn't lock up the gate, we stood nearby, outside the gate until we heard. "Oh, Eli forgot to lock the gate again. Freaking idiot." Nicholas said to himself. Me and Carl exchanged smiles before we walked into the forest.

Me and Carl were walking in the forest. "So, what's up with Sophia?" Carl asked.

"I don't know. She's getting real close with Enid... Speaking of Enid. You and her..." I trailed off.

"Me and Enid?" He repeated in a higher pitched voice before laughing still in the high pitched voice. "No, no, no. She uh-... No, I don't think she even likes me to be honest. Friends or anything else."

"You know what that reminds me of?" I pushed.

"What?" Carl questioned.

"Maggie and Glenn-" I started.

"Here we go." He laughed interrupting.

"No, no, Carl Grimes. The two of them? Back at the farm? Enemies to lovers. Hated each other when Glenn dubbed in Lori for being pregnant and the walkers in the barn? Now? Married." I explained proudly. 

"Me and Enid are not going to become Glenn and Maggie." Carl scoffed.

I hummed. "We'll see."

Carl shook his head. "Oh, look, a walker. Let's go practise our walker killing skills like was the original plan. Not talking about my love life." He started walking towards the walker.

"So, you're admitting there's love in your life?" I grinned, following after him.

Carl dramatically sighed before pulling out his gun and shooting the walker in the head. I laughed, walking over to him. I leaned on a nearby tree behind him as I looked at him. "Ellie, I can feel you staring at me." Carl didn't turn to face me, I was just basically looking at the back of him.

"I'm not staring. I'm observing a boy clearly scared to admit his feelings." I taunted.

Carl visibly sighed. "I'm not scared to admit I have feelings for Enid. I think I do... But, Alexandria is weak. They haven't experienced the real world. The world how it is now. If something happens, they're screwed. We get attached to people who live there? It's just more people to lose."

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