The Retaking of Alexandria

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I walked back downstairs, leaving the two boys in Sophia's room. I found the woman in the living room again. Her helmet was off as she was readjusting her hair. "Hey, soldier." I greeted.

"Hey, newbie. I recommend taking off your mask cause we can't do it that often and the fresh air feels great." She suggested.

I forced a small laugh. "I'm alright, thank you."

"Take it off." She said a little more forcefully.

"Uh- yea, okay." I agreed. I needed this woman to like me because I needed to find out where Coco was. I slowly took off my mask, she was looking at the map anyways so she didn't see my face. I was sure she wouldn't recognise me anyways. "So uhm... The kids were asking where the baby they came in is. Do you know where she is?"

"Of course." The woman scoffed, before turning to me, and aiming her gun at my face. "We haven't taken on any new soldiers in over six months. Hand over your gun, Ellie Dixon."

"Please. I only want my kids back. I'm begging you. Don't do this." I tried.

"Hand over the damn gun." The woman ordered.

I let out a breath and started to hand over my gun. In the split second she looked down to it, I grabbed the neck of her gun and rammed it so far into her forehead that she blacked out. In her fall though, she hit her head on the coffee table. A lot, and I mean a lot of blood came from her wound and stained the carpet. "Are you dead?" I asked her, kicking her side a little. "Oops."


I heard the door begin to open so I ran to hide behind a wall. "Prentiss!" A solider yelled, running towards her. When he passed me, I tripped him up. I pressed my gun to the back of his neck.

"Don't move, soldier." I hissed. I ripped off his mask, before grabbing a fistful of his hair and forcing it into the ground. 

"You won't get away with this." His voice was slightly muffled.

I rolled him over, and punched his disorientated face until he passed out. 

I checked a schedule on a clipboard that the man had dropped. His name was Peter Williams. Her name was Jamie Prentiss. They would be on shift until midnight, so I had a while until someone would come check up on them because it was only about nine in the night.

I dragged both bodies into RJ's room. I took off the male soldier's uniform so he was just left in jogging bottoms and a tank top. I then tied him to one of RJ's kiddie chairs with skipping rope. I let the woman lay on the dinosaur carpet. I sat opposite the man in the other kiddie chair, waiting for him to wake up.

Finally, about half eleven, he groaned. He rolled his head back and let out another groan. "Morning, sunshine." I said.

He snapped awake. Facing me and pulling on the ropes. "Let me go!"

"Oh, I'm planning on it." I nodded, flipping the pocketknife I had in my hand. "As soon as you tell me where they took Coco."

"The Espinosa child?" Peter pushed.

I hummed and nodded. "That's the one."

He grinned. "You don't even know if she's alive."

"She better be." I said, anger taking over my tone. I walked and stood in front of him. "Where is she?"

"Why should I tell you?" He spat.

I quickly sliced his cheek with my pocketknife. He hissed and turned away from it. "Because, Peter." I leaned down so we were eye level. "Your life is in my hands. I decide whether you get to live another pathetic day, or if you get a one way ticket to Hell."

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