One Day Can Change Everything

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I was sticking my polaroids into my scrap book. I was sitting on the catwalk when I heard footsteps. I looked over and saw Beth. She smiled softly as she came and sat next to me. I put the book on the ground in front of me. "Hey." She greeted, softly.

"Hi, you alright?" I smiled at her.

She nodded. "I just saw you sitting up here. Decided to come to talk you, is all."

"Has this got anything to do with Adam?" I questioned.

"He told me what happened." Beth sighed through her nose.

"Didn't realise you two were friends." I looked away from her.

"I was the one who stayed with the kids and old people to make sure they were all safe. We became close. He's a bit of a drip, but a nice boy." Beth told me.

"I feel bad, ya know. I was angry... He was in the wrong place at the wrong time." I shook my head.

"He needed to know... What the walkers are really like." Beth comforted me.

"Yea, I know. I should've taken him down to the fence or something. I went about it the wrong way." I started fiddling with my necklace.

"Maybe." Beth nodded. "But you know that you went wrong. You can apologise to him and make things right."

"I hope so. He may be weird, a little stupid and clingy but... He's one of the only friends I got in this world." I leaned back against the wire.

Beth laughed quietly. "You got me as well, kid."

I smiled. "Thanks, Beth."

She sighed before speaking. "I heard about Carol. I'm sorry."

I looked down. "Guess I should be used to it by now, huh? I just didn't see it coming is all."

"None of us did." Beth shook her head. "She was nice... Though, she can take care of herself. She'll be okay."

I nodded. "I hope so... Ya know, I haven't even gone to see Sophia yet? I know she's awake, but I just can't look her in the eyes."

"Why not?" Beth pushed.

"Everyone around me seems to leave at one point or another. I let her and Carol get close and now Carol's gone. That's on me." I sniffed away the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

Beth put her hand on my shoulder. "You shouldn't be afraid to be close to people, Ellie. It's not your fault people do what people do. You just gotta hang on and keep your head straight while they make mistakes."

I looked back up to Beth. "You're a good friend, ya know?"

She smiled before pulling me in for a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder as she hugged me tightly. "I won't go anywhere, Ellie. If everything else goes wrong, just know that I'm always your friend. No matter what." She said quietly in my ear.

I smiled before pulling back. I wiped a fallen tear off my face before reaching for my camera that I'd brought out. "You wanna?"

Beth grinned. "Of course!"

I raised the camera in the air, pointed it at us, we both smiled before I clicked the button. The photo came out and I gave it to Beth to shake. I turned the page in my book, when the picture became clear, I glued it in. I read out what I was writing down. "Me and Beth on the catwalk."

Beth glued a heart around the picture before letting the pink glitter rain down to surround our photo. She laughed as I blew off the excess glitter, making it cover the catwalk. "It's so pretty."

"It's so you. Pink is definitely your colour." I said, adjusting her pink scarf slightly.

We were smiling at each other before we heard it. It was a massive bang noise that echoed in our ears, one that made our smiles faulter and hearts stop. We looked over and saw cars and a tank all parked outside our gates, one of the guard towers had been exploded as well. "Oh my god." Beth let out and we both started running. We ran through the table room and out onto the yard, we got to the gates where everyone else was. I stood between Rick and Beth as Beth stood next to Maggie and Carl was on the other side of his dad. I turned around and saw my dad, Sasha and Tyreese behind us as well.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now