Two Months Later

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I was down by the fence, killing walkers with a lead pipe through the metal grate. Recently, they'd been seriously piling up by the fences. I seemed the be the only one worried about something happening. After Rick brought in a bus load of people, a lot of things happened. We found quite a few new people in such a short amount of time. We'd planted crops and found pigs, so we kept them in the field, in some hut thing we'd all built together. On the yard we made somewhere for everyone to cook and eat food. We'd cleared out all the other cell blocks and secured the unsecure parts of the prison. It was a giant, happy sanctuary... A little too happy. 

"They're really piling up, aye?" A voice that I knew all too well asked.

"Go away, Adam." I rolled my eyes. Adam was the short stubby boy we brought in from Woodbury. He was two months older than me and followed me around like a lost puppy. When I glanced at him, he was licking what looked like honey off his fingers.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it's not safe standing by the fence." I commented. "That's the only reason." I said sarcastically under my breath.

"But you're here." Adam reminded me.

"I'm also better than you." I added.

"Book club is starting soon." Adam told me. We'd freed up the library and replaced a lot of the books, I like to spend my time there, away from everyone and reading. My mum had started a book club for the kids, I hated it though because she only read children's books.

"Then go. My mum will want you there." I said, stabbing another walker in the head.

"But then you'll be lonely." Adam furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely. Go to book club, maybe she'll read The Hungry Caterpillar again." I said with a false smile.

I noticed Glenn approaching from behind Adam. "Mr Rhee, will you tell Ellie she needs to go to book club with me?"

"I'll bring her. You go tell Carol she'll be there soon." Glenn nodded.

"Okay, sir" Then Adam quite literally ran off.

"Thanks for saving me." I smiled before going back to killing the walkers.

"Oh no, I came to get you for book club." Glenn crossed his arms over his chest.

I scoffed. "Thanks, but I've got better things to do."

"Ellie, just because you're ten next week does not mean you've outgrown book club. You're the youngest kid and the only one who doesn't enjoy it. Apart from Carl but that's another issue." Glenn reminded me.

"Just because I'm nine does not mean I wanna hear about the time the dragon saved the damsel in distress." I retorted.

"Come on, Ellie. Sophia likes it." Glenn said to me.

"Oh, you mean Sophia and her new best friend Lizzie?" I scoffed. "I'd rather pass."

Glenn laughed. "You're jealous."

"I'm not jealous. It's not like for nearly a year it was me, Sophia and Carl. I protected them, they protected me, they protected each other. It's not like Carl's completley forgotten about us and hangs out with Patrick all the time. It's not like Sophia's completley forgotten about us and hangs out with Lizzie all the time." I ranted angrily, getting harsher and rougher with how I was stabbing the walkers through the fence.

"Yea, you're right, it's not like that. Sophia's your sister, she hasn't forgotten about you just because she has a new friend. Same with Carl. They still love you, but you gotta remember there's quite a maturity difference between a nine-year-old girl and a thirteen-year-old girl. And boys are different again. Just because you're different people, doesn't mean anything has changed between you from the way they were two months ago." Glenn explained to me. "Why don't you hang out with Mika and Adam?"

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