I Hate People

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Me, Sophia and Carl started walking down one of the streets. Everyone else was splitting up in separate directions to go explore. I'd passed my dad doing something to his crossbow on the porch, he hadn't showered yet, nor did he care to explore. I knew he felt very uncomfortable and out of place in this new environment... I did too, but at least I showered, and I wanted to know the area in case a disaster happened and we needed to escape. 

The three of us passed a porch with two old people sitting on swinging chairs. "Oh, children! Come here!" The old lady called to us happily. "I've made shortbread. Come try some."

Sophia smiled and started walking towards them, Carl glanced at me before walking with Sophia. I slowly walked behind the two of them. "Hi, I'm Sophia, this is Carl and Ellie." She introduced us with a polite smile on her face.

"Beautiful names! We're Mrs and Mr Cook." The lady grinned, holding out a plate of cookies.

"Thank you, these look delicious." Sophia politely smiled, taking a biscuit.

"Thank you." Carl smiled, copying her actions.

"Is that such a good idea?" I glanced at Sophia and Carl who were about to eat. "What if they're like cannibals or poisoned the biscuits?"

"Ellie, they're sitting right there." Sophia said with a pointed look on her face.

I nodded, turning to the couple. "No offense, I'm sure you haven't put any people or poison in said biscuits but you can never be to careful."

"She makes a good point, honey." Mr Cook commented.

"Oh, nonsense. Look." Mrs Cook took a biscuit, snapping a piece off before putting it in her mouth and happily eating it. After that, she passed the rest of the biscuit to me. "Go ahead, dear."

I hesitantly glanced at Sophia and Carl who were eating theirs before eating the biscuit. Mrs Cooks display proved they weren't poison, but what if they were cannibals and there was a guy named Jimmy in my biscuit?... Chances were they weren't cannibals but what I saw with Adam really shook me to my core. "These are nice." I said with my mouth full.

After some more time with the Cooks, this lady Jessie took us to her house to introduce us to the kids. There apparently weren't many kids so they all just kinda gathered here. "Ron, this is Carl and Sophia." Jessie said, stopping outside a boy's room. I saw two boys and a brunette girl, about Sophia's age. "Come on, Ellie. I'll show you where children your own age are." She smiled, taking my hand and pulling me away from Sophia and Carl. I never took my eyes off the pair, but they didn't glance back at me. They clearly weren't worried. Jessie opened the door and revealed two boys playing with cars. "Sam, Ben, this is Ellie. You kids play nice now, okay? I'll go start lunch." Jessie said before just abandoning me with these two boys.

"Hi, Ellie." The boy called Ben said. I just stood there awkwardly, staring at him. 

"Hey." Sam greeted as well. I looked to the red car he was playing with.

I looked to Jacob who held his car tightly.

"You wanna play with us? I know you're a girl, but girls can like cars too, right?" Ben offered.

One of his hands went under the car he was holding and that's when we all heard it.

"I have Sally Carrera from the movie Cars around here somewhere." Sam looked around his toys.

The fake, electronic sound of a car's engine.

"You good?" Ben asked me as I just stared at the red car in Sam's hand.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now