First Rule of Fight Club

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Jessie Eastwood

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Jessie Eastwood

Jessie Eastwood

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I didn't get a wink of sleep. The smartest plan would've been to leave my room, find my dad, and escape with him... But the whole night I was frozen. I was still sitting on the floor, leaning against the kitchen counter, staring at the door. I held a kitchen knife in my hand, but other than that, I had no protection. I knew my dad was in the building, he was only a few corridors away... But he felt impossible to reach.

There was a knock at the door. "You decent?" Negan's voice called.

"Yes." I answered quietly. The door slowly pushed open and there stood my P.E teacher. "We doing basketball today, Mr Smith?" I joked.

He let a grin twist up his lips. "Not quite." He glanced over to the food on the table. "You haven't eaten?"

I shook my head. "Why would I accept food off a man who murdered two-"

"God, would you let that go?" Negan complained. "That was ages ago, we need to move on. Especially, if you're going to survive today."

I raised my eyebrows. "Survive today?"

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