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I was looking at the tracks on the ground while Finn was holding the horse steady. "They went East from here." I told him.

"How do you know to do that?" He questioned. 

Once I stood up and turned to him, he was holding out a water for me. "Thanks." I smiled. "I learnt from my dad. He's an amazing hunter and tracker. He'd find them faster than me, but unfortunately you're suck with me."

"I like being stuck with you. Not that I'm stuck with you! I chose you. I mean- I didn't choose you because you're your own person and are in charge of your own decisions. You're incredible. I mean..." He let out a breath. "I mean, that I'm a happy to be here with you. I wish the circumstances were better, but I hope you know what I mean because I need to stop rambling."

I laughed. "Thanks? I think?"

He shrugged his shoulders, with a bit of defeat. "I wish I knew."

I grinned. "Well, come on. We'll have to go on foot if I'm gonna follow the trail efficiently. That horse is too damn big."

He laughed, gently grabbing the leather around the horse's mouth and beginning to lead it. We walked through the forest. "So, you got any hobbies?"

"Throwing eggs at this one guy I know." I responded. "You heard of Negan?"

"I've heard the stories." Finn agreed. "Sounds like he deserves some eggs thrown at him."

I nodded. "Oh, he definitely does... You got any... Hobbies?" It felt strange to ask about someone's hobbies and then a second later throw my boomerang at a walker I saw coming our way.

"That was awesome." Finn laughed. I blushed at the compliment but since he was behind me, he couldn't see that. "I'm really into science actually. Anatomy mostly. I wanna figure out how this whole dead walking thing started."

"I actually like to call them the walking dead." I smiled.

I could hear Finn's smile as he talked. "Where did you come up with that?"

"Not sure, but it's a great name. Anyways, this anatomy thing. Tell me more." I encouraged. I wasn't that interested. Science bores me. But, he has a nice voice and sounded happy while speaking.

"Well, the whole body interests me. How different pressures can pull different reactions from people. How there are some pressures that everyone react too, but some are unique to each individual. Recently, I've been looking more into the female anatomy. Did you know how amazing your body is?" Finn asked. "Oh my god that sounded so creepy. I'm sorry." I heard him stop walking so I turned to face him. "I did not mean for that to come out so creepy. If you want me to leave-"

"Dude, it's fine." I interrupted with a laugh.

"I was talking anatomically, not that you don't have an amazing body- but I haven't been staring. Just from what I noticed, and felt while we were riding- that sounded worse! Oh god, I need to shut up." Finn whacked his hand to his forehead and turned his gaze to the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Finn, you're alright. I got what you meant." I smiled, walking up to him and pulling his hand away from his face.

His eyes went straight to mine. "I was trying to say how it's amazing that women can create human life in their own bodies. That if it wasn't for women, there would be no world. How you can all act pretty much completley normal even on menstruation considering period cramps can be as painful as heart attacks... I didn't mean to sound like a pervert." He let out a defeated laugh.

"It's alright. You're kinda cute when your flustered." I let out before I even realised what I was saying. He smiled and a blush creeped up his neck and onto his cheeks very quickly. I turned around and kept walking to hide my smile.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now