The Crash

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I pushed my cart to the door before running over, I saw Bob trapped under a fallen over shelf of wine bottles. "You alright? You cut or something?" I heard my dad question from beside me because he got there before me. Dad flashed his torch under the shelf, and I leaned down so I could see a trapped Bob.

"No, man, but my foot is caught." Bob responded.

Tyreese and Zack came over as well. "He's just caught. Help me lift it." Dad said to Tyreese and Zack. I took a couple steps back so they could do that.

"What happened?" Glenn yelled, running over.

"Everyone's all right." I responded. "This shelf just kinda fell on Bob, I think."

"I was driving fast, man. Drove right into the drinks." Bob told us.

"Man, you lucked out. If this thing had come down on you the wrong way." Tyreese shook his head. Suddenly, I felt something land on my head. I fell onto the ground when the ceiling tile hit me. Dad grabbed me from under the bit of rubble and pulled me out. We looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling, a walker was hanging from some old cables as well. "Are you alright?" Tyreese asked me.

"I'm gonna wake up with a headache, but I'm alright." I responded. The ceiling tiles were the thin plastic squares, so it didn't really hurt.

"We should probably go now." Michonne commented running over.

"Bob's still stuck. Get him outta there." Dad ordered.

More and more holes in the ceiling start appearing and walkers fell through each one. I was looking up to make sure no more ceiling fell down on me, a bit opened up in front of me so I backed away so avoid being body slammed by a walker. I ran into one of the isles before the walker could see me. I spotted Glenn on the floor with a walker above him, Glenn was struggling to hold him off. I ran over before stabbing the dead pest in the head and kicking the body off Glenn. "Thanks." Glenn panted out.

"We're surrounded. There's too many of them." I commented.

"It's alright, stick with me. Watch your six." Glenn ordered.

We made our way round another isle. Glenn shot a walker that was coming up behind Sasha without her realising. She turned around and sent him a thankful nod before continuing to fight. I climbed up one of the shelves and spotted a walker coming up behind my dad, I jumped down on it, stabbing it in the head before I fell down with its body. Dad turned around, ready to shoot at the noise, but instead gave me a hand up when he saw me. "Are you okay?" Dad whispered to me.

"Behind you." I pointed out. Dad quickly turned around and shot the walker with an arrow. While dad was distracted, I ran off. I grabbed a golfing kit before opening it up and grabbing a metal golfing club. I ran forward, taking out one from behind before killing one that was coming up behind Tyreese. I ran over to Bob, killing three on the way. I knew Bob was pretty much defenceless at the moment. I heard Bob's heavy breathing, when I ducked down and crawled under the shelf with him, I saw why. There was a walker crawling towards him from the other side. "Take this." I said, handing him the club. Bob fought off the walker while I ignored the pain from the broken glass that was cutting me as I used my entire body to move the bottom of the shelf up a couple inches so Bob could slide out his foot. With one final whack to the walker's head, Bob finally killed the thing in the limited space.

"Let's go." Dad said, grabbing my shirt and dragging me out from under the shelf before giving Bob a handout. I saw more and more ceiling tiles falling and it looked like a helicopter was about to fall through and into the shop. We heard screaming and looked over to see Zack had been bitten and was getting dragged by a walker that was eating him from the leg. The walker quickly got high enough on Zack to start eating his neck.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now