Damn Cults

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TW: I've never had to do one of these before because they're all in the description, but damn, this one's different. There will be racism, but of course all the racists get what they deserve because I love getting people killed in this book xx

Carl was driving, I was in passenger, and Sophia was taking a nap. "You really think this place will work out?" I asked.

"It has too. Otherwise we're going to be out of our supplies and we'll have to start digging into the food we got for Alexandria." Carl responded.

"It's been two months since the twins were born, Carl. That means two months since we had that big win in the street. We haven't seen the people we love in two months. We have to check in, in two weeks or they'll think we're dead. We can't go back empty handed." I responded.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise." Carl assured me.

"We've been on the road for six months total. We haven't brought back many guns since that first visit back home. The only think I've added too is my murder toll which now stands at a hundred and thirty, so well done me, I guess. And anyways, we need weapons, this cult won't do that for us." I pointed out.

"Maybe not, but it should have food. Seeds at least so we can plant more crops. If it doesn't have guns, there's a potential place that might have guns on the way back." Carl said. "And it's like you said, this place was a cult. What kind of cult doesn't have guns?"

I scoffed. "The passive kind."

"Then they're just a community. Not a cult." Carl smirked.

"Alright, whatever. I just hope you're right about this place." I said.

An hour later, we got to where we were going. Carl parked the RV outside and we exited. I checked to see my gun was loaded before heading towards the two big, brown, oak doors. I pushed one open, which echoed a loud creek throughout the entire building. I moved further in and we prepared ourselves for walkers, but none came.

Me and Sophia glanced at each other, before we walked further into the building. We looked around a few rooms, but they were empty. Finally, we got to a door that was labelled. "The Sacred Garden." Sophia read out.

"Sounds like an orgy." Carl commented.

"Dude." Sophia sighed.

"What's an orgy?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later." Carl laughed.

"No, you won't." Sophia warned, just before Carl opened the door. Just as he did that, walkers pooled out. "Damnit." Sophia let out, as her and Carl were forced to go one way down the hall, while I was forced to go another. "Ellie!" Sophia yelled.

"I'm fine! I'll meet up with you guys later!" I called out.

"Stay safe!" Carl shouted.

The hallway was too narrow for my boomerang, so I had to use my gun. I shot the first few in the head, but there were more than anticipated. I ran down the hall to get a head start. I tried every door, I was starting to panic when they were all locked. Finally, one down the end opened up. I entered, shutting the door behind me, and letting out a breath of relief. Mum had added an extra spot on my belt, for me to keep a torch. So, I pulled out my torch and shone it into the room. 

It seemed like a storage room. The walkers were banging on the door, but I noticed a key in the lock. I turned it, before grabbing a shelf and pulling it in front of the door to lock me in. "This is inconvenient." I muttered to myself.

I ignored the sound of the walkers banging on the door as I ventured further into the room. I peered into boxes on shelves, but they were all just filled with gardening equipment. The RV was particularly empty so I made a mental note to go back and grab some. Finally, I found a box of seeds, then another, and another. I found boxes of fruit as well, but... Let's just say they were well past the sell by date.

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