The Plan

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We had voted and the plan was in action. We were packing up our things from our rooms. I stared at the photo frame for longer than I needed too. Two more photos had been added, one which had everyone in it since I managed to set the camera up on a timer. Everyone being Hershel, Beth, Maggie, Glenn, Rick, Carl, dad, Carol, Sophia, Michonne and myself. 

Merle's dead. Dad went after him, but he was already a walker by the time my father got there. I felt bad for how upset my father was, he was hiding it well, but I could tell he was sad. 

Anyways, on a happier note the other picture was of me, dad, Carol and Sophia in which me and Sophia are holding the photo frame. For the second photo I took out the polaroids but then put them back in. The now four polaroids. 

I swallowed down any fear I had of losing someone from the photographs that weren't already lost before shoving it into my bag. I took my bag which had all my clothes, my photo frame, my Barbie and Teddy inside before starting to walk outside. I had my blanket in my arms because my bag was too full. I chucked my stuff in the back of one of the cars, Sophia doing the same before she turned to me. "So many things could go wrong." She stated.

"The Governor forced us into this. Anyone who dies? Whether one of ours pull the trigger or not... That blood is not on our hands. The Governor did this. And nothing will go wrong, I'm way to awesome to let anything like that happen." I joked.

Sophia scoffed out a laugh. "That's what you'd like to think."

"Yes, ma'am, it is." I nodded with a smile, but I frowned when I noticed Carl sulking. "He still doesn't like the plan?"

"He wants to be involved. Not on the side lines." Sophia shook her head.

"We're on the side lines even though I'm one of the best shots this group has. You don't see me complaining." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You know Carl, he just wants to help." Sophia reminded me, glancing over at the boy before back at me. "Come on, let's help make this move look more convincing."

Me, Sophia, Carl, Hershel and Beth were in the forest on the outskirts of the prison. We were hidden up on a small hill so we couldn't be seen. 

The first alert that the Governor was attacking was when one of our guard towers blew up.

We saw three trucks drive through the front gates and stop in the yard. About fifty people exited, they were all armed and amongst them was the Governor. They quickly moved into the prison. Nearly ten minutes they came out, our people started shooting at them. They weren't trying to kill anyone other than the Governor and the men we knew were loyal to him.

Two trucks full of people drove away before the Governor and one of his men followed in the third.

Suddenly, we heard someone running. We all shot up and pointed our guns at him... He looked about fifteen. His gun wasn't raised at us, so Sophia instantly lowered hers, but Carl stayed the same. I lowered my gun, but only slightly. Hershel tightened his grip on his crutches as Beth gripped her handgun but didn't raise it.

"Hey, don't shoot." The boy tried.

"Drop the weapon, son." Hershel ordered.

"Sure." The boy nodded before looking to Carl. "Here, take it." He said as he started passing the gun over to Carl. I watched carefully but the boy's hand placement where his fingers were nowhere near the trigger told me that he was not going to suddenly change his mind. When Carl didn't raise his hand to take the gun, the boy who was shaking and pale started to lower the gun to the floor. There was a small sound that came from the silencer on Carl's gun before the boy's dead body dropped to the floor with a bullet wound in his head.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now