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"You're Ellie, right?" A boy's voice asked. Carl and RJ were eating, I was reading a book. We were sitting on a bench.

I looked to my side and my jaw dropped very slightly. Stood before me was a boy... I don't want to sound like a romance novel but holy hell. I realised I'd been staring at his face for going on a really long five seconds. "Depends who's asking." Was all I managed to respond with. I forced myself to stand up but he still towered over me, he must've been the same height as my dad.

"I'm Finn." He introduced himself, holding out his hand for me to shake. His eyes never left mine. He had a polite smile on his face. A hopeful shimmer in his eyes. Blonde hair, big brown eyes, a scar on the left side of his cheek. He tried to look polite, but there was a concerned furrow to his brows.

"Like the fish?" I asked before I could stop myself.

He laughed a little. "That's a first."

I caught myself twirling the bottom of my hair, so I dropped it and cleared my throat. That was embarrassing. "What can I do for you, Finn?"




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"I heard you're good." He stated.

"Good at what?" I asked, tilting my head to side slightly.

"Everything." Finn answered. "My big brother went out with your dad and the others. He forgot his asthma pump. I'm just a little worried is all. I wanna go after them... But, I was advised to only go with the best of the best." He held up a blue asthma pump. "All that walking... Possibly, running, you know how it is out there. I'm a little worried that it could trigger an attack and if he doesn't have his pump-" He cut himself off, biting his bottom lip and shaking his head.

I shouldn't have found a boy in the middle of a crisis attractive. I itched the back of my neck. "You want me to help you?"

"I wouldn't have recommended anyone but the best, Ellie." I heard Ezekiel's voice as he approached us. "I see you've met Finn. He's been with us going on two years now. One of the best soldiers that Kingdom has." Ezekiel put a hand on Finn's shoulder.

"I suppose we're only a couple hours behind them." I commented, looking at the watch on Ezekiel's wrist.

"You're not seriously thinking of going with him?" Carl asked, standing up.

"Why not? His brother needs his pump." I responded.

"Charlie. My brother's name is Charlie." Finn nodded. "Please. I really need to get this to him."

"I'll help you out. A friend of Ezekiel's is a friend of mine." I smiled.

"Thank you." A look of relief washed over him.

"What about the fair? The movie?" Carl questioned.

I sighed. "Carl, this could be life and death. I gotta help out. You got this." 

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now