Lights Out, Sunshine

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I could feel rope around my wrists. The wrists which were bound behind me back. I was laying on the ground, on my side. I could hear people walking around, but I couldn't hear talking. I could hear the soft cracking of a controlled fire. The sun tried infiltrating my eye lids which told me I'd been out for at least seven hours. I could smell death. Not like I was on the verge of it... But, like it surrounded me. I knew there weren't any walkers near me, or I'd be dead. My guess was the masks the whisperers wore carried a strong odour.  I could taste something metallic in my mouth. Probably blood. I let a soft groan pass my lips as I slowly came too.

"Alpha, the girl's awake." I heard a man's voice say. He grabbed my right arm as I lay on my left, and pulled me to sit up. I forced my eyes opened and looked around. Carl and Finn were sitting to my left, against trees. I just seemed to be dumped in the middle of the floor. "You're going to love this." The same man whispered to me before backing up. 

I looked around to see everyone pretty much forming a circle around me and the boys. Every person apart from me, Carl and Finn were in those damn masks. I saw that Finn and Carl seemed to be distressed, it did bring me some sort of relief that they were alive though. Alpha suddenly walked into the circle and stood about six feet in front of me. Even with her mask, I knew that she was enjoying this. "Nice of you to finally join us."

"Thanks for including me in this experience." I spoke sarcastically.

She stared at me for a few more seconds before speaking. "What was your reasoning for breaking the laws between our people?"

"I decided: screw it, y'all stinky, mask wearing freaks can't decide shit to control me. Fuck you all." I smiled as I spoke.

"Ellie-" Finn started.

"Shut it, blondie." I ordered without breaking eye contact with Alpha. "It was all my plan. It was my idea to sneak in here and kill you. I decided that I wanted to see your head on a stick. I just dragged these two desperate, pathetic sacks of shit with me. Why don't you let me outta these ropes and me and you go at it? Huh? No weapons. Just fists, just us. Or you too chicken to let your people see you get beat up by a little girl?"

I could see the rage in Alpha's eyes through the mask. She slowly walked towards me, standing right in front of my face before squatting down over my lap. She grabbed my jaw and pulled it close to her face as she spoke. I physically cringed at her smell. "I don't need to fight a pathetic, desperate child like yourself to prove my authority over my people. I have that just by existing. I have complete and utter loyalty just by being me. Why would I waste my energy?"

"You're right." I agreed. "You would be wasting your energy. You know you can't beat me. The last time I lost a fight? I was nine years old, trapped behind a barn with my mother beating on me. You're a nothing. I got some pelt up rage, lady. Come on, let me outta these ropes and let's see what happens."

"Oh, you'll be fighting today." She nodded. "Just... Not against me. See, an Alpha? She doesn't waste her time on petty fights. No need for the Queen to waste her energy. I got a Beta to do that for me." She smirked, she pulled a knife from her waist band and cut off my ropes before she stood up and backed away.

That's when a beast of a man walked into the circle. He must've been hiding behind a tree or something cause this fella had to be nearly seven foot. He had a mask on, but it was like it was cropped as it ended around his nose to show off his beard. He wore a leather jacket that ended around his ankles and boots so big a little old lady could live in them. His eyes were beady as they glared at me, ready to kill. I'd upset his Alpha, which means I upset him. Upsetting him didn't seem like a good idea. I slowly rose to my feet. "Okay, I was looking for a human on human fight. That-" I pointed to the Beta. "-Is not a man." I lowered my hand. "Come on, I mean what is Godzilla doing in the apocalypse?"

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