We Need a Goldmine

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The night Andrea left, we were all sitting around the table room. I was sitting on a table with Sophia, Carl and Beth. On the other table was Rick, Hershel and my dad. Everyone else was sitting in various other places around the room.

"So, what do you want to do?" I heard my dad ask Rick. In the silent room, their quiet conversation was public.

"We match it. I'm going on a run." Rick responded.

"Want me to come with?" Dad asked.

"No, I want you to keep an eye on your brother. I trust you'll keep him in line. I'm glad you're back, really... But if he causes a problem, it's on you." Rick stated.

Dad nodded. "I got him."

"I'll take Michonne." Rick said.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Dad questioned.

"I'll find out." Rick replied. "And Carl. He's ready."

"You know where you can find guns and ammo?" Hershel asked.

"I have a good idea on where some would be." Rick nodded.

"I don't mean to interrupt." I said to Rick. "But I might know where some guns are too. Ammo as well, I bet."

"Where?" Dad questioned.

"You remember Carlos? He was the leader of The Vipers. I remember there was this gang meeting over at his place one day. I went too because mama made me. I snuck off when everyone was getting a little too drunk and a little too high. I saw guns in his basement. More than I could count. Boxes of ammo too. Once our town went bad, mum locked us in our house, Carlos locked himself in his house. Through my window I could see his house, I spent a lot of time in my room, and I never saw him leave. I did hear a gunshot come from his house one day though. Only one. He lived alone. I think he killed himself, the walkers tried to get in but gave up when one of my other neighbours tried to leave. Ate them instead. Everything should still be in his house." I explained.

Rick nodded and a small smile twitched onto his face. "I'll take Michonne and Carl. Ellie, you'll go with Daryl and Merle."

Dad smiled at Rick subtly. "Why those two?" I asked, dad's smile faltered as he looked down to the table.

"Because, it'll be good for you to spend some time with your father and Daryl's responsible for Merle." Rick replied. "Also, Daryl knows where your old neighbourhood is. You don't even know what state we're in."

I sighed. "Yea, that's a good point."

Dad was driving, Merle in passenger and I was in the back. It was very awkward. "How'd you get the scar, kid?" Merle broke the silence.

I looked up to him. "What?"

"The scar on your face. That wasn't there last time I saw ya." Merle stated.

I nodded with a sigh. "My mama."

"Told you the Spanish ones got anger issues." Merle said to my dad.

"Shut up, man." Dad shook his head.

"Your kid's got a permanent scar on her face and you're still defending that bitch?" Merle raised his eyebrows.

"I'm defending my daughter's race, not Isabella. Stop being so racist, man. None of that matters, the world ended." Dad reminded him.

"You thought race mattered before the world ended?" I questioned.

"No, babe. That's not what I meant." Dad sighed, shaking his head.

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