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The next day we had walked through the woods for hours just to make sure that no surviving people from Terminus followed us. Finally, Mama Rick said we were allowed to walk on the road. We had to make sure everybody was walking close for security reasons. I was walking in between Sophia and Rosita as my dad was leading the group with Rick and Carl. Mum hadn't yet explained to me why she left the prison, but I was going to get that information outta someone.

The people in the back were walking in a silence. The whole group contained of: Glenn, Maggie, mum, Bob, Sasha, Tyreese, me, Sophia, Mama Rick, dad, Michonne, Carl, Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. "Hey, Rosita." I said to her, making sure Eugene wasn't in ear shot as I spoke.

"Yea?" She replied, running a hand gently through my hair, like she was reminding herself I was actually there.

"How come the fat nerdy guy survived but the other day I saw someone who was dressed in like all sports clothing who had been walkerised?" I questioned. 

"How about I explain when we settle down tonight, yea? It's probably best you're sitting down." Rosita smiled at me.

"Uhm... Okay." I nodded.

"By the way, everyone apart from you knows." Sophia grinned at me.

"Awh, man." I complained. 

"Help! Somebody help me! Please!" A man's voice echoed through the woods.

"Dad, come on." Carl instantly tried. Rick looked hesitant. "Come on, come on."

"Anyone! Help!" The man kept screaming.

"It could be a cannibal!" I called after Carl and Rick as they, followed by everyone else, ran after the man's screaming voice. I was left alone on the road. "Hell no, I ain't helping a cannibal. No, sir." I turned on my heel and started walking in the other direction. I paused and took a deep breath. "You could always shoot him in the head, Ellie." I muttered to myself. "Start a two-day streak..." I groaned before turning back on my heel and walking in the direction everyone else went.

When I approached the back of the group, I saw my people killing the walkers that surrounded a man on a rock. A man that had been screaming very, very loudly. He was bald, had dark skin and was wearing one of those black suits with the white dog collars. The man was literally shaking as he was sat on top of the rock.

"We're clear." Abraham announced.

"Keep watch." Rick ordered. Sasha, Tyreese and Abraham spread out a little with their backs to us, just to make sure there wasn't any walkers. "Come on down." Rick said to the terrified man.

The man was still shaking and breathing deeply as he looked to the floor to make sure it was clear. I raised an eyebrow at him. "How does a man who's shaking that much after being surrounded by only four walkers get a year into the end of the world?" I asked Rosita. She smirked down at me, before licking her lips and looking back up at the man.

"You okay?" Rick asked the man.

The man put his finger up before literally throwing up on the floor. I accidentally laughed so I put a hand over my mouth. I noticed Sophia had a hand over her heart and her face held sympathy. Dad looked between us both, probably wondering how his two girls are so different. 

"Sorry." The man breathed out after he was done. He looked around at us. "Yes. Thank you... I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick questioned him.

The man actually laughed before looking around at us all. "Do I look like I would have any weapons?"

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like." Abraham stated.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now