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We filled up the tank of the truck and made a bee line back to the church. It look a little over a day, but we got there. The roads were clear, we had a full tank, enough water and a bit of food. When we pulled up to the church, we saw spikes surrounding the front door, the double doors were breaking down and we saw hands trying to escape. I noticed Sophia, Carl, Michonne and the priest over by a nearby fence, staring at the fire truck. Abraham drove straight through the spikes and the porch steps which blocked the doors with the truck just in time because the double doors broke. Through my window I could see the walkers banging on the glass. I shrugged it off and jumped out of the truck. "Ellie!" Sophia called out, running straight too me. I hugged her tightly, before Carl joined the hug and I welcomed him with open arms. "You're okay? You're definitely not infected?"

"I would've been sick by now if I were infected." I smiled, pulling back from the hug.

"Good to see you, kid." Michonne smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "Can I ask why you're back?" She questioned before pulling back.

I took a deep breath, unable to find the words so I looked to Glenn for help. He nodded and swallowed thickly. "Eugene lied. He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end."

Michonne looked hurt but unsurprised. Carl bowed his head to hide his emotions beneath his sheriffs hat. Sophia's jaw went slightly agape. "The world isn't going back to normal?" She asked quietly with a shake in her voice.

Glenn shook his head. "Sorry, Sophia."

Sophia's eyes pricked with tears so Rosita stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. I smiled sadly at the two. I smiled because I saw Rosita accepting Sophia as her own family... It was sad because I saw how hurt Sophia was before her face was pulled into Rosita's shoulder. Maggie put a comforting hand on Sophia's shoulder before she looked to Michonne. "Where is everyone?"

A smile grew on Michonne's face. "Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her but the others went to get her back."

I couldn't help the small jump that came from my body as I was so excited to have my friend back. A smile grew on Maggie's face as she tried to fight off the happy crying. "Do we know which one?"

Michonne nodded. "Grady Memorial."

"Oh my god." Maggie let out a happy sob as she turned to Glenn and hugged him tightly. 

"Can we go now? Help get her? Please?" I begged, taking Michonne's hands.

Michonne laughed and nodded. "Of course we can, sweetheart."

Tara turned to Maggie when she pulled away from Glenn. "Let's blow this joint. Go save your sister."

Sophia pulled away from Rosita and looked at me. "Dad came back. Mum was taken by the same people who took Beth... They left because dad saw the same car that drove away with Beth while they were together after the prison."

I small smile graced my face. "But, they're okay?"

Sophia nodded. "Dad left with the rest of them to try and get both mum and Beth back."

"Guess, now that it's a double rescue mission they need even more hands. Let's go." I grinned, excited to have my family back together.

After a very long drive in the truck, we finally made it to the hospital. Getting out with guns raised, we walked towards the only entrance that wasn't blocked up. We walked through the courtyard, killing a couple stray walkers along the way. When we got about halfway, the doors opened.

Rick walked out, he was followed by Sasha. Behind those two was Tyreese helping my mum walk which caused a smile to appear on my face. There was something about everyone's faces though, something dark... What had gone wrong? Behind Tyreese and my mother was my dad, he was carrying someone... A small girl, blonde hair, those recognisable low rise blue jeans and cowboy boots combo stuck out to me. 

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now