Maybe we Ain't so Broken

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 I spoke in a shaky and uneven voice. "Hey, Mama Rick."

Rick stared back at my in shock, before he just ran at me. I smiled and took a few steps towards him. He picked me up and hugged me tight. I buried my face in his shoulder as he squeezed me. "We all thought you were dead."

"I thought you were dead." I laughed, bringing my head up to look him in the eyes. "Who's we?"

Looking over Rick's shoulder... I saw my dad. "Ellie?" Dad's voice asked, tears filling his eyes.

Rick put me down and I bolted towards my father, he met me halfway before picking me up. "You're alive." I said happily.

A loud and overjoyed laugh left his lips as he fell to his knees and lent forward, I was hovering a couple inches off the floor. "Sophia told me you were dead." He whispered, before standing back up.

"Sophia?" I asked. Dad turned to his side and there she was. Tears on her face, Carol's arm around her shoulders. I kissed my dad's cheek before jumping down and running at her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders as she hugged me back tightly. "You fell off the bridge."

"You were shot." Sophia countered. 

I pulled back and put my hands on her cheeks. "Never do that to me again."

"I'll try." Sophia laughed as mum pulled me in for a tight hug, she squatted down.

"Hi, sweetheart." She whispered in my ear.

I hugged her before pulling back. "You left." I muttered.

She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "We'll talk about it later." She assured me.

I hugged Maggie. "Hi, Ellie. We missed you, ya know. Thanks for saving our asses." She smiled brightly.

Suddenly someone picked me up from behind. I turned and saw Glenn hugging me tightly. I laughed at him as he jokingly nuzzled his face into my neck making me laugh. "Missed you too, Glenn."

"We all thought you were dead." Glenn said to me.

"I thought you were all dead." I replied.

I looked to the ginger man. "Little one." He nodded.

"Big one." I nodded back.

"Rosita will only be a minute. She complained about the people from Terminus not letting us urinate." The man with a Texas accent stated.

"To much information, Eugene." Carl's voice complained. I looked and saw the boy standing with his father's arms around his shoulders. I jumped down and ran over to the boy, wrapping my arms around him and he very quickly hugged me back. "I told you not to scare me like that again." He whispered.

"I'll try not to accidentally fake my death next time." I joked in his ear.

"That would be appreciated." Carl grinned as I pulled back. "By the way, this is Eugene, Abraham, that's Tara and Rosita is... Well, Eugene already painted a lovely picture for us. You already know Sasha, Michonne, Bob and Tyreese."

"Michonne." I smiled happily and ran at her. She picked me up with a big smile on her face.

"Missed you, kid." She whispered to me.

While still in her arms, I turned to Sasha and Tyreese. "It's good to see you both again. I'm very glad you're alive." 

"The feelings mutual. Good to see you, Ellie." Sasha smiled.

"Wasn't the same without you, kid." Tyreese grinned.

"Ellie." Bob nodded at me. I gave him a tight lip smile; I hadn't seen him since my dad yelled at him.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now