Deal or no Deal

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I was sitting in my cell, as you do. It had probably been a day... Maybe a day and a half... Maybe two days- I've clearly lost track, since I'd seen the doc and Jessie. Got my blood tests back, I'm totally healthy which is always fun. Easy Street was still blaring in my ears so I was slowly losing my mind as well as the will to live but... Yea, there was really no silver lining to said situation.

Suddenly, the door opened and a man walked over to me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me up before pulling me through the halls. He didn't speak as he yanked me with his every step. His strides were much larger than mine due to his height advantage, but I managed to keep up. Finally, after a few minutes, he practically threw me into this room. It looked a lot like my old room in this place, except instead of a tv, there were two sofas facing each other.

Negan was sitting on one of the sofas. "Ellie, so glad you could make it. Take a seat." He pointed to the chair opposite his. The man left, shutting the door tight behind him as I slowly went to sit opposite Negan. "I've been meaning to talk to you." He grinned. I noticed the cupcakes on the table in front of me. "Help yourself." I didn't say anything as I dived forward, taking one of the cupcakes and eating it in only a couple bites. "Someone's hungry." He mused.

"You've been starving me." I deadpanned, with my mouth full of red velvet cake.

"You have been given food." Negan rolled his eyes.

I swallowed the rest of the cake before speaking. "Dog food. On bread. I ain't eating that, I do have some dignity, ya know, Negan?"

"Really? Because you're still wearing the same clothes that's covered in your friends' blood." Negan smirked.

"Well unfortunately you didn't give me a chance to change my clothes before you kidnapped me." I spoke with a sarcastic smile.

He chuckled. "So, kid... How'd you get the scar?"

"I got into a machete fight with a pig." I deadpanned.

He rolled his eyes, leaning forward. "Come on, I wanna know."

"No, sorry, you're right. There were no machetes, it was simply pocket knives." I stated, trying not to let sarcasm lace my tone.

"Fine, you wanna play it your way? You don't tell me and I'll get Lucille to bash your father's brains in." Negan raised his bat. Whenever I looked at that bat, all I could think about was Aaron and Abraham.

I huffed. "My mama."

"Really?" For a second, I heard sympathy in his tone. For a second, his eyes softened. For a second, I thought he cared... Before that grin took over his face again. "What she didn't see you while filing her nails or something?"

"No, she took a knife to my face after I pissed her off." I shrugged.

"She beat you, huh? Some of the staff did speculate in the staff room, but-"

"But none of you really cared." I finished for him.

He nodded. "It wasn't our business to medal with. We didn't wanna get on the wrong side of your mother's gang. The Vipers, was it? Hell no, back in the day we weren't messing with them. If I ran into them today though? You best believe that I would knock in every single one of their heads with a smile on my face."

I wiped some icing off of my lips. "Who are you trying to impress? Me, or yourself? I've seen you murder people, Negan. I saw it. I know you can laugh, and you can taunt while you bash heads in of innocent men. I know that you can strip away a man's dignity while you leave him rot in a cell. I know you've lost all touch of the humanity that you once had."

"I killed those other two men for you. My men." Negan raised his eyebrows.

"I appreciate you saving me from that, but you're the one who's putting me in this position by forcing me and my father, and those other people to be here." I replied.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now