Masquerade Ball

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It was nine in the night, and I was just finished getting ready. I was in a little corner of our mini hideout and looking in a cracked mirror. I was finishing tying my mask around my face, but I was struggling a little. "You need some help?" Dad offered.

I jumped a little. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Sorry, door was open." Dad walked over to me and replaced my hands. "You look beautiful, darling."

I smiled. "Thanks, dad. You know, you clean up well yourself."

Dad chuckled. "I've never been so uncomfortable in my life."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Didn't you once have to wear women's yoga pants?"

He put his hand over my mouth. "We promised to never speak of that." I laughed under his hand as he spun me around and put his hands on my biceps. "Are you ready for tonight, princess?"

I nodded. "We're gonna get Rick and mama back."

"Yes, we are." Dad agreed. "But no matter what happens, you prioritise your safety. You don't die for this, you understand me?"

"You know I gotta do what I have too so we can bring them home." I gently reminded him.

"And I gotta do what I can to bring you all home. Just promise me, okay?" Dad asked.

I nodded. "I promise."

"Good girl." He whispered, pulling me into a hug. "I love you, baby."

"I love you, dad." I smiled.

"Come on, I gotta go give the same talk to Sophia and Carl." Dad pulled back. We went to where everyone else was and saw Sophia approaching. "You look beautiful, sweetheart." Dad smiled, pulling her into a hug. I could hear them talking quietly, I knew he was saying the same thing to her. I walked over to Rosita who was packing padlocks and chains into a bag.

"You look gorgeous." I grinned at her.

She looked to me, and her eyes softened. "So do you. You should wear dresses more often."

"We should fight for our lives less often." I countered, sitting on the table. "How you gonna sneak that in?"

"Before we head in, I'm gonna push it through an open window a couple corridors away. The windows too small for any of us to fit through, apart from the bag. When me, your mum, Chris and Sophia slip outta the ball, we'll grab it. Start chaining and locking all the doors."

I picked up one of the sticks of dynamite that Sophia and Carl had found. "How you using this?"

"I'll connect them all using a special wire. If shit goes sideways, you light that baby up and run. Maybe do it anyways, makes sure that none of them have a chance of escaping. Only problem is that if not all the old folk are out? They can't escape the blast." Rosita explained.

"Hence it being plan B." I realised.

She hummed, before speaking. "Mi amor, I just want to warn you... Rick, may not be what you remember, okay? It's been a very long time. Going on six years that he's been locked up in there. He might be different."

I let out a breath. "I realise that, but it doesn't change anything. I don't care if we have to drag his ass outta there. Mama and Rick are going home."

Rosita smiled at me, taking my hand. "Yes, they are. So are we. And the old folk."

"And Chris Evans." I grinned.

Rosita laughed. "I still just don't believe that of all people... Chris Evans was here."

"We deserved some good luck. He's my good luck." I smiled.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now