Uncle Merle

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I was sitting on my bed and staring at my photo frame. The photo frame which held the photos of two people I loved dearly and lost too soon, as well as the A4 piece of paper which made me feel loved. Love... Something I hadn't experienced much of in my life, but recently? With my dad? With Carol and Sophia? Hell, Mama Rick and Carl? Beth, Maggie, Hershel, Glenn? Even Michonne? I've never felt more loved... It was weird. I was worried though as well because I've never loved so many people before and with the Governor planning to go to war with us? Would I lose them?

Suddenly someone came into view as they walked through the doorway to my cell that I was currently alone in. I peered over and saw Uncle Merle. "I'm looking for some ice. Ya seen any. I'm assuming you already know what it looks like."

I scoffed and shook my head. "Yes, I know what it looks like. No, I haven't seen any drugs. Goodbye"

Merle grinned. "Someone's feisty today. Little young for that time of the month, ain't you?"

"What are you blabbering on about?" I questioned.

"Ah, forgot nobody's told you about the birds and the bees." Merle laughed in the doorway.

"Birds and bees don't usually hang out together." I furrowed my eyebrows.

Merle laughed and looked like he was going to say something when Carol came over and stood in front of him. "Leave her alone, Merle."

"Hey, don't tell me what to do. She's my niece. I can say to her what I want." Merle bit back.

"Well, she's my daughter and I'm telling you that if you want to talk to her. You will do so with conversation topic that is appropriate for a nine-year-old girl." Carol crossed her arms over her chest.

Merle laughed. "Worlds gone to shit-"

"Language like that is not appropriate for Ellie to hear so I suggest you take that mouth of yours somewhere else." Carol responded.

"What you gonna do? Wash my mouth out with soap?" Merle mocked.

"No, with a bullet." Carol answered, simply.

Merle scoffed before pretending like he was going to hit her so Carol flinched back. "Hey, dickhead!" I yelled at him and jumped down from the bunk. "You're only here because my dad wants you here. The seconds that stops, what do you think is going to happen to you?"

Merle chuckled before squatting down to be at eye level with me. "Why would my brother stop wanting to be around me, little girl?"

I scowled at him. "You've been openly racist, sexist and not to mention violent. I say one thing to my dad? You called me a word that racist pigs like you call people like me? You raised your hand at me, or at Carol, or Sophia? I tell him that you said that you wished that you left me behind?" I laughed at him. "Who's he going to believe? Huh? His older brother that left him with an abusive father? The brother who's racist towards his only family?" I asked before smiling innocently and softening my voice. "Or daddy's little princess?"

Merle looked taken aback. "You sneaky little-"

"I'm a kid, asshole. Watch your language." I warned him.

Carol put her hand on my shoulder. "You heard her."

"I only came to say goodbye. I'm going to take Michonne down to the tombs to clear it. Find the breech." Merle informed me.

"Don't try to guilt trip me into apologising. You came looking for drugs. If you're gonna be a dickhead, at least be loud and proud about it." I crossed my arms over his chest.

Merle scoffed before standing up. "See ya, bitch."

"Hopefully not anytime soon." I smiled sarcastically as I watched him walk down the stairs before I rolled my eyes. I turned around and looked up to Carol. "Are you okay? He shouldn't have raised his hand at you."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now