Fight For Your Right to Survive

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My birthday was two weeks away. For the past two weeks, I'd been seeing Mrs Tanner three times a week. Six sessions in and I was feeling pretty great about it. Dad had come back to Alexandria, but the doc stayed in the Hilltop with Maggie since their doctor was kidnapped by the Saviours. Again. We'd gotten a bunch of guns from another settlement called Oceanside, it was purely women since all their men had been killed. Rosita had come back, but she was different... I can't explain to you how. Something about Sasha, but she wouldn't elaborate to me, said I had enough on my plate. I hated that, so I went to the best person I could.

"I need intel." I ordered the boy, entering the tree house.

"Best friend! You're talking to me! By choice!" Ben cheered excitedly as I entered the tree house, closing the hatch behind me. Me, Sophia, Carl and Ben had built the treehouse when we found some spare planks we didn't need.

"Yea, yea." I agreed, sitting down. "What the hell is going on? You're nosey, you're the best person to come too."

"Don't freak out." Ben deadpanned.

"I won't." I narrowed my eyes.

"Bestie swear." Ben demanded.

"I told you, I'd never do that again." I pointed out.

"Do it, or no intel." Ben crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're so annoying." I muttered.

"You love me really." Ben smirked.

I groaned, standing up, and spun in a circles before sitting down. "Happy?"

"Dwight was here." Ben stated.

"What!" I yelled.

"You bestie swore." Ben frowned.

I took a deep breath. "What else?"

"The Garbage People are on their way. The fight is going down tomorrow. Dwight sold out Negan. Sasha is being held hostage by Negan." Ben explained, shortly.

I licked my lips. "This is not good."

"You're telling me, sister." 

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uhm... Okay. Well, shit. This isn't good, buddy."

"You can call me best friend, we both know you want too." Ben smiled.

"Go back to your comics. I'll see you later." I said, starting to leave the tree house.

"Thank you for coming to my lair!" He called after me.

"Your what? You know what? Nevermind." I sighed, leaving the tree house.

I had spent the whole day, and the morning of the next going over training with everyone. Mr and Mrs Cook, as well as the other elderly people had been evacuated to a safe house nearby. I'd mostly been working with Ben, he refused to be evacuated... Although, he was sort of ready for a fight... I didn't want him to be in a fight.

I watched as three garbage trucks full of people, as well as people on bikes, drove into Alexandria, they were led by the RV. I stood with Rick, Michonne and Sophia. The woman who looked like the leader approached us. "What you fight for." The lady said. Jadis, I believe her name was.

"Not the place." Rick shook his head. "The people. Each other."

"You're a part of that now." Sophia smiled, kindly.

"We take. We don't bother. Our way... Maybe another way." Jadis said, looking Rick up and down before turning to Michonne. "Yours?" She nodded towards Rick while making eye contact with Michonne.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now