A Single Spark

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This chapter is longer than normal. Be warned.

The next day, a lot of us were on a train back to Alexandria. I sat on the train, next to Sophia. We happened to be isolated in this corner for now, so I decided to talk to her in a low volume. "What was the real reason mama left?"

"I told you-" Sophia started.

"No, you didn't." I interrupted, shaking my head. "Ya know, I knew you were holding something back. I just knew it because I know you."

Sophia looked to her lap. "She made me promise not to tell a single soul. Especially not you and Carl."

"Why?" I interrogated.

"Because she knew you'd follow her." Sophia responded, looking up to me. "She said this was something she has to do alone. She needed to do this solo. She trusted me enough to keep everyone locked down."

I let out a breath. "Do we know Rick's definitely alive?"

"Mama said she had some evidence to suggest it, and that she knew it in her gut. But, she didn't mention anything rock solid." Sophia denied.

"Carl doesn't know." I muttered.

Sophia shook her head. "She also didn't want anyone to get their hopes up. Just in case."

I nodded. "I understand."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I agree with her. We have no solid evidence, no location, and you and Carl have been through enough. Getting your hopes up just to crush them if he's not alive? It's simply cruel." Sophia explained.

"But what about you?" I asked.

"If it meant protecting you, Carl and RJ? I could handle it." Sophia responded. "I did handle it. I want him back, more than anything. Over the past year, I've had so many sleepless nights. Just wondering... I really want him back, El." Tears pricked her eyes.

I pulled her into a hug. "Me too, Soph."

"Girls, get up here." Carl called to us.

I pulled back from Sophia and smiled at her as she wiped a couple tears before I got up and walked into the other carriage with Carl. Sophia following behind me. It wasn't a transport train, it was for luggage, so people were just sitting on boxes. I went and sat next to mum, instantly leaning into her as she wrapped an arm around me. Sophia sat by dad as he wrapped an arm around her. Carl was leaning on the wall. "Why did you call us in here?" I asked Carl.

"No reason." He shrugged.

"Awh, you just missed us." Sophia smiled.

Carl scoffed. "Did not."

I noticed Glenn and Maggie sitting on the floor. Holding hands and leaning against the wall. "How you two holding up?" I looked to Maggie and Glenn.

"I'll be better once we can go home and be with Hershel." Maggie admitted.

"Me too." Glenn agreed. "Thank you, by the way. All three of you. For going after them like you did."

"Couldn't have done it without Negan." Carl admitted, nodding down the train carriage to where he was having a conversation with Ezekiel.

"You know his girlfriend's pregnant." Sophia told me.

I scoffed. "He doesn't deserve a family after what he did."

"Sometimes, Ellie, it might be beneficial if you were to let go of the hate you hold." Glenn advised me.

"What cat poster you read that off?" I questioned. 

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now