Jesus Christ Our Holy Saviour

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Two months. Two months since we had the fight of our lives. It took over a week to clear all the walkers from Alexandria. Somehow, the clean up was more exhausting than the actual fight. Dad and Mama Rick were going out basically every day. Dad had taught Sophia how to drive, I was still to short to reach the pedals. Maggie had revealed the fact that she's pregnant.

"Ellie, I've been so excited to tell you this... I'm pregnant." Maggie told me as it was just me, her and Glenn in the room.

"Do you want me to get a coat hanger or hug you?" I asked, deadpan.

"Uhm..." Glenn trailed off.

"We're excited about it." Maggie said, a tad confused.

"Then congratulations!" I practically cheered as I wrapped them both in a tight hug.

We were running a little low on food, but we're getting by, especially with the wall extension finally complete.

It was way to early in the morning for me to be awake. I was in an oversized jumper and well... Nothing else other than underwear. The light grey jumper came down to my knees though so I found the attire appropriate, especially to sleep in. Speaking of sleep, I was rubbing it out of my eyes when I walked out of my bedroom to go to the bathroom, when I saw a man sitting on the stairs. I didn't recognise him, he was white, brown long hair with a matching brown beard. I just kinda froze before silently going into Carl's room which was to my left. I shook the boy awake before taking the gun by his bed. I knew he had another one stashed in there somewhere. We both, guns in hand, made our way to the stop of the stairs before pointing our weapons at the man. 

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded.

"What are you doing in our house?" Carl added.

"I'm uh... Sitting on the steps, looking at this panting." The man told us as he'd grabbed a picture off of the wall. "And waiting for your mum and dad to get dressed. Hi... I'm Jesus."

I scoffed. "Yea, and I'm forty seven, with a mortgage, seven kids and a first class holiday to Peru booked for next week."

"It's a nickname." Jesus responded.

I nodded. "Oh... Nevermind, he's not a crazy person. Although, Jesus would've been black if he were to exist, so..." I lowered my gun before instantly raising it back at him again. "Nevermind that, you broke into our house and you're not from Alexandria. I think, Carl, do we know him?"

"You don't know everyone by now? No, we don't know him." Carl shook his head.

"Told you, Jesus Christ our Holy Saviour." I smirked, proudly.

"Just Jesus is fine." The man replied.

"Kids... Hey." Rick's voice said from behind us. He was shirtless and zipping up his trousers. Michonne was just wearing her dressing gown.

Dad, Maggie and Glenn came outta somewhere before moving closer up the stairs, pointing their guns at Jesus. Rosita, Abraham and Sophia had come out of their rooms from upstairs and also pointed their guns at Jesus. "It's okay." Michonne held her palms out to everyone.

"You said we should talk." Rick started, speaking to Jesus. "So let's talk."

We were downstairs, around the dining room table. Jesus was sitting at the head of the table, Glenn on the other head of the table. Rick was next to Jesus, Maggie just behind him, Sophia and Rosita were opposite those two, Michonne standing behind Sophia, Carl standing next to Michonne. Dad was pacing behind me as I was stood next to Jesus, making sure he knew I had my gun in my hand.

"How'd you get out?" Dad asked. He'd been locked away in a house that was only built, and not renovated so we don't use it. Dad had been on guard.

"One guard can't cover two exits or third floor windows. Knots untie and locks get picked. Entropy comes from order, right?" Jesus looked to me.

"Entr... Yes?" I nodded, shrugging and looking to my dad when this Jesus fella looked away from me.

"I checked out your arsenal. I haven't seen anything like that in a long time. You're well equipped, but your provisions are low. Very low for the amount of people you have here. Fifty four?"

"More than that." Maggie lied. I may not know the people here, but I knew the headcount, she just wanted Jesus to think we're stronger than we actually are.

"Well, I appreciate the cookie. My compliments to the chef." Jesus responded.

"She ain't here." Dad stepped in.

"I'll pass on your thanks. The chef's mine and Ellie's mother." Sophia smiled kindly.

"You have a talented mum." Jesus nodded.

"We know." I said as soon as the last word past his lips.

Jesus shifted in his seat, before turning to my father. "Look, we got off to a bad start. But, we're on the same side, the living side. You and Rick had every reason to leave me out there, but you didn't. I'm from a place that's a lot like this one. Part of my job is searching out other settlements to trade with. I took your truck because my community needs things and both of you look like trouble. I was wrong. You're good people, and this is a good place. I think our communities may be in a position to help each other."

"Do you have food?" Glenn asked.

"We've started to raise livestock." Jesus confirmed.

I gasped. "Do you have chickens."

"Plenty." Jesus looked to me.

I tried to fight the grin off my face but it was impossible, so I looked to Rick. "Chickens are adorable." I told him, putting the safety back on my gun.

"You could have a few of them in a trade. We also scavenge and grow. Everything from potatoes to sorghum." Jesus continued.

"Tell us why we should believe you." Rick commanded.

"I'll show you. We take a car, I can take you back home in a day, and you can all see for yourselves who we are and what we have to offer."

"Like chickens." I muttered to myself.

"Don't mind her, chickens are her favourite animal." Sophia let a small sigh leave her lips.

"Wait, you're looking for more settlements? You're already trading with other groups?" Maggie questioned.

Jesus smiled and leaned back in his seat. "Your world's about to get a whole lot bigger."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now