Don't Taunt The Living

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Me, Sophia and Carl were running in the woods without second thought for Negan. To me it didn't matter how many changes he made, how many bridges he tried to mend, how much good that he did. I'd never be able to get the feeling of Aaron's blood off my face. I can't ever wipe the image of Abraham's head being bashed from my brain. How my dad was tortured. How Maggie and Glenn's daughter was killed. The way Olivia's life was taken from her within seconds. How Spencer was ripped open on the street... Asshole or not, he didn't deserve that death. I would never forgive Negan for what he had done.

A walker came at us from the left, I threw my boomerang. I let it come back to my hand before I was sprinting again. "God, I didn't miss this." Sophia commented.

"I did." Carl laughed.

"To be fair you've been doing this with asshole soldiers and not awesome people like us." I grinned. Carl smiled as we continued, holding down his sheriff's hat.

"Stop right there!" A man's voice yelled from behind us. Without stopping, and in sync, we all jumped behind trees. "Come out with your hands up!"

Carl did what looked like a wink... But... With the one eye... It could've been a prolonged blink. I furrowed my eyebrows, visibly confused by his attempt of communication. However, I got the message when he pulled out his gun and aimed it at us. "Wilson, I got them!"

"Grimes, that you, kid?" The man responded.

Carl stepped out from behind the tree. "Off duty, but yea." Carl nodded. "I've been chasing them without backup. Step on out, ladies."

Me and Sophia stepped out with our hands up. "Miss Dixon? You teach my son, why are you with the fugitive?"

"Who's your son?" Sophia asked.

"Timmy." The man replied. "Timmy Wilson."

Sophia nodded, a slightly distasteful look on her face. "Well, Ellie's my sister. She's not a fugitive."

"That's not what my bosses say. She killed four of our people and caused a crash which killed two more. They want her. They wanted her before... But, I haven't got the intel on why." Wilson responded.

"I killed four of your people because they were coming after my kids!" I argued.

"We're taking them somewhere safe. Everyone from your communities. Apart from Miss Dixon and Mr Grimes though of course." Wilson stated.

"They told you that?" Sophia asked.

"No, but you two haven't done anything wrong." Wilson shrugged. "Speaking of, get away from the fugitive, Miss Dixon. You're a civilian." She nodded, walking towards him. 

His radio cracked before a voice came over it. "This is a message to every on duty soldier. Capture every single person who came from the communities Hilltop, Oceanside or Alexandria. Try to take them alive, but kill if necessary. Keep it quiet. I don't care if they're your neighbour, or your friend. These people are terrorists who want to take what's ours. Ellie Dixon is a priority. Latina, about five four, female. Kill on sight."

Wilson looked shocked, but before he could react? Sophia did. She ripped his gun from his hand and rammed the butt of it into his neck before she kicked him the ground. Soph ripped his mask off before standing straight again and aiming the gun at his face. Carl holstered his weapon again. "Where are they taking the kids?" Sophia demanded.

"But you... You teach my son?" Wilson furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your son's a little shit." Sophia hissed. "Now where are they taking the kids?"

"Please don't kill me. Timmy doesn't have a mother. I'm all he has." Wilson cried.

"Where are they taking the kids?" Sophia yelled.

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