The W's

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Rick had started letting us walk around with weapons. He was basically second in command now, but more or less telling Deanna what to do because she was too busy grieving. The plan to relocate the walkers was happening soon. My dad, Rick, Sasha, Abraham, Glenn and a bunch of other people had gone to look at the herd again, but they weren't planning on doing it today.

I was walking around and looking for Sophia when suddenly I saw something that made my stomach drop. A man ran up behind another man that I don't know... But this man had a machete and just beheaded the man I knew was from Alexandria. My eyes widened in shock as it took me a second to process the murder I just witnessed.

Then the man noticed me and started sprinting towards me. He was dirty with crazed eyes. "Oh, shit." I let out, hearing footsteps behind me. I pulled out my gun and turned around, I shot the guy behind me who was going to kill me before turning back around and shooting the other guy who wanted to kill me. I made sure they were both headshots so we wouldn't have to deal with walkers as well with whatever the hell was going on. I noticed on both their heads was the letter W drawn in blood. "What the shit." I muttered, looking around.

"Help! Help me!" A woman screamed.

I ran to the source of the noise and saw she was being chased by one of these W's. I shot the man, but not before he could cut a gash in her arm. She screamed as she fell to the floor. I ran over to help her, seeing her face for the first time, and seeing Mrs Tanner. "Are you alright?" I questioned, pulling her to her feet. "Yes... I'm okay." She responded, holding onto her arm. "Thank you."

"You need to get to the infirmary. Come on, I'll cover you." I pushed her in front of me as we ran through the street. I shot two of them on our way there. I saw Denise pacing. "She's got a gash in her arm. You know how to fix that, right?"

"I've been reading up on it." She nodded.

"Great. Lock the doors and stay here. Don't let any of them in." I ordered.

"Ellie, you have to stay here." Mrs Tanner sounded worried. A loud blaring horn started sounding throughout the entire place.

"Shit." I muttered. "No, I have to go out there and help people. Y'all have been behind these walls pretty much since the beginning? You can't fight. I have to find Sophia, Carl, Rosita, Maggie..." I trailed off.

"My son. Please. He's playing somewhere by the lake. Please make sure he's safe." Mrs Tanner tried.

I nodded. "Yea, okay. Lock the door behind me." I ordered before leaving. I ran through the street, shooting a couple that were chasing after this bloke that looked familiar. 

I ran towards the lake and saw Ben hiding in a small bush, a man seemed to be looking for him. "Come out, little boy. I know you're in one of these bushes." The man said.

I instantly shot him without hesitation. "Ben, get your ass out here." I ordered. He quickly ran over to me.

"You saved me." He said.

"Yea, I did. I need to take you to the infirmary-" 

"Behind you!" Ben interrupted.

I spun around and shot a man in the head who was about to take my head off. I changed my magazine, making sure my gun was fully loaded. "Your mum's there. She's worried about you, come on."

After taking Ben to the infirmary where he was reunited with his mother, I went outside again. The attack had been going on for a while but the air horn had finally stopped. I ran home and pounded on the door. Carl answered. "Ellie, thank god." He pulled me inside.

I saw Enid, before I looked back to Carl. "Sophia here?"

"No." Carl responded. "I hoped she was with you."

"Crap." I started to leave again but Carl pulled me back. "What?"

"You're not going out there. It's dangerous." Carl furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm not leaving Sophia on her own out there. She could be hurt. Stay here and protect Enid. I have to do this." I insisted.

Carl let me go. "Fine... But, be safe."

I nodded, before running out of the house and he locked the door behind me. I saw Morgan taking five of them down all by himself with a stick. I raised my eyebrows, without taking my eyes off of him I shot a guy in the head that was running up behind me. How? I'm just that skilled. 

As I kept going I saw Nicholas pinned down behind one of the houses. I shot the man off of him before approaching him. He was on the ground, breathing heavily and sweating. He looked up to me, shocked. "You saved me? Why?" He questioned.

I looked around to make sure there was nobody from Alexandria before I looked back down to him. "So that I could kill you myself. This is for Noah, you selfish son of a bitch." I made sure he heard every word, he scurried to get up and fight me off... But, I shot him in the head.

As I was searching for people I care about, I saw Sophia. She was practically having a sword fight with this dude. They were both armed with machetes, he was trying to slice her, she was trying to defend herself. "Dude, stop trying to kill me, this is dragging on!" She shouted at him.

"Soph, duck!" I yelled. She instantly did and I shot the man in the head. His body falling to the ground next to Sophia. She stood up, grabbing his machete. "Double?" I asked, eyeing her two weapons.

She spun them both around in her hands. "You have your boomerang. I have my machetes."

I laughed a little. "You kill any of them yet?" I asked.

"No. I was inside but then I had to stop this freak from killing Mr Cook who's run off somewhere. Been dealing with him for the last couple minutes." Sophia responded.  "You?"

"I've killed sixteen." I responded.

"Damn, girl." Sophia grinned.

I shrugged. "Yea, well. They screwed with the wrong people."

I'd killed eight more before I saw Rosita cocking her gun, she thought she was hidden behind a tree but I saw a guy with a sharpened stick running towards her. I shot him from twenty feet away, his body dropping next to her making her jump. She looked to him before up to me. A smile taking over her features as she ran towards me and Soph. "I've been looking everywhere." She embraced us both into a hug.

After she pulled back, I spoke. "Sorry, I've been too busy murdering people. Ya know, killing twenty four people really takes it out of you."

"Twenty four? I've killed like twelve." Rosita raised her eyebrows.

"That's cause I took down all the competition." I smirked.

"Yea, I've killed none." Sophia shrugged causing me to laugh.

"I've been looking around. I'm pretty sure that's all of them now." Aaron said, running over to us.

"Hey, Aaron." I greeted.

"Ellie." He nodded at me. I hadn't really seen him recently, our paths just hadn't crossed, I'm glad he wasn't brutally murdered though.

"It's over?" Sophia asked.

"We should just do another sweep. Stay together and make sure. But... I think so." Aaron replied.

"Who were those freaks anyways?" Rosita asked.

"I don't know, but they all had W on their forehead. I'm not sure what it means." I responded.

"We can think about that later. Let's just see what the body count is like first. I've seen at least seven of our people dead." Sophia replied. Rosita and Aaron started walking away, me and Soph following behind. "Nobody from our group though." Sophia added quietly.

I nodded. "That's good to hear."

"Girls, stay in front. I want to make sure you're safe." Rosita said to us.

That day we spent walking around Alexandria, putting knives through people's skulls just to make sure they didn't come back as walkers. We did that too our own people. We managed to defend this place, unlike the prison, but it still didn't feel right. It didn't feel like the damage was done. Although this took my murder toll up too 78, it still didn't feel like the worst of it.

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