Minor Inconveniences

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The whispering stopped as the real walkers started to come back. "Go, now." Mama ordered. I pulled out my pocket knife and put it through the side of Saint's skull. We weren't going to leave his body, and we didn't need him turning on us. I watched as Yumiko picked up the mask from the ground, my dad and Jesus lifted Saint's body. Mama was using her katana to cover us.

One of the fake walkers started running at her with a knife. Before I could react to try and save her, an arrow went through the skull of the person. They fell dead on the ground. I looked to Yumiko who was lowering her bow, before mama came out of the open gate this all happened in front of. "Mama, come on!" I called to her.

She ran towards me and out of the gate, I pulled it shut before swiftly moving the lock to trap the walkers in. "What happened to you?" Mama asked me as we ran to catch up with the others.

"Got slashed by Pennywise the freaking clown." I responded. 

"Getting you to Hilltop is our new priority." Mama told me.

"Don't worry, it's fine. Dad wrapped it." I comforted her.

"Don't worry? Have you met me?" She laughed.

We were heading back to the horses. Dad and Jesus were dragging Saint's body, mama was helping Eugene walk, I was starting to trail behind due to blood loss. "Ellie, you gotta keep up!" Dad called.

"The fact that I'm bleeding out seems to be a minor inconvenience." I retorted.

"I'll help." Magna volunteered.

"Oh, you don't have too." I responded as she walked up to me. She went on my left and made me wrap my arm around her shoulder, she then moved her right hand to my side, above my wound. Leaning on her actually made walking a whole lot easier. "Thanks." I said quietly to her.

"Don't worry." She smiled. Me and her made it to the front, since I wasn't... Well, dead, and I didn't have a dislocated knee. 

Yumiko was walking on my right as she started to speak, holding the mask. "Who would do this? Who would even think about doing this?"

Eugene heard, and answered in a very Eugene manner. "I suspect some vessel filled with a chunky salsa of abnormal impulses and metastasized rage."

"It's full on bat shit." Magna stated.

"You think there's more?" Jesus asked.

"Yea." Dad responded.

"So, what do we do?" Yumiko questioned, just as we reached the horses.

"Right now? Keep moving." Mama replied.

Dad and Jesus draped Saint's body over one of the horses. I put my foot in one of the holders and was struggling to pull myself up, but Magna pushed me the rest of the way. "Thank you." I nodded to her. Mama went over to the third horse with Eugene... It was a struggle, but with dad's help, Magna's help, and mama's help, Eugene finally got on the horse. Mama, Yumiko and Magna had followed our trail. They lost the second horse they came out with though.

My father's bike was dead, so we had to abandon it. We were heading back. Me and Eugene were on horses, Saint was draped over a horse which Jesus was leading. Mama and dad were at the front, walking together, Magna and Yumiko were walking next to me on my right. The blood I'd lost was starting to get to me, that mixed with the dehydration and blaring heat from the sun... I felt like I would faint. Then, I did faint. I fell left, off of my horse. My weak body hit the concrete with a groan from me. "Ellie!" Yumiko yelled.

I heard my name leave mama's mouth and dad's mouth as their footsteps approached quickly, getting louder and louder. "I'm fine." I muttered. I tried to push myself up, but I couldn't do it.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now