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"It's called The Kingdom?" I asked as I stepped out of the car.

Car 1:

Car 2:

-Dad (with me on his lap due to limited seating)

Jesus shrugged as we all gathered in front of Rick's car. "I didn't name it."

"How much farther?" Rick asked as he glanced around. We were in some old carpark that had brick walls surrounding most of it, covered in moss too. It was actually quite pretty.

"Well, technically, we're already here." Jesus admitted. "I mean, we're always here, but here we are... At the Kingdom."

"Jesus spitting philosophical shit is the last thing I thought I'd see." I whispered to Sophia who pursed her lips together to try not to laugh.

"What the hell are we waiting on?" Dad asked.

"Waiting for them." Jesus pointed towards a path. I turned and saw two men on horseback, plaid in armour, trotting towards us. My lips parted slightly at the sight of horses, I never thought I'd see one again.

"Who dares to trespass on the sovereign land of the... Oh, shit. Jesus, that you?" One of the men said. I laughed under my breath at their little act and how quickly he broke character. 

Jesus simply waved, so the other man continued. "Who are all these people, Paul?"

"Hi, Richard. Nice to see you." Jesus' tone held slight sarcasm.

"It's good to see you too." Richard said, slightly begrudgingly. "Your friends? Who are they?"

"This is Rick Grimes. He's the leader of a like minded community. These are some of his people. We would like to request an audience with King Ezekiel." Jesus answered.

Richard got off his horse and got closer. "Get out of the car." Richard ordered to Tara, Michonne, Rosita, the doc and Carl who happened to stay in the cars. "You say they're a like minded community. Like minded how?"

"We live, we trade, we fight the dead." Jesus responded. "Sometimes others."

Richard debated it, looking around us. "Line up."

"Okay, this is a waste of time." Dad decided. "Come on. Let's go."

"Maybe you're right. The King is a busy man." Richard shrugged. "And it's a dangerous world. We don't usually allow a pack of strangers to waltz through our door." Sasha came to stand by me as the others seemed to be lining up with me and Sophia who hadn't moved.

"We want to make the world less dangerous." Michonne spoke up. "And we are all here to show the King how serious we are about that."

"The cars stay outside. Hand your guns over." Richard decided.

Rick shrugged. "We've only got three." Rick nodded to me and Carl as he started handing over his gun. Carl swiftly followed. I took my gun out of my belt, hesitating. However, I glanced at Rick who nodded again. I let out a breath before I handed my gun over to the stranger.

"Okay. Follow me." Richard stated.

We'd walked into the Kingdom. It was bigger than Alexandria and Hilltop combined. They had a lot of people. There were crops everywhere, I saw a group of men running around in that armour, they were smiling and chatting to each other. It was actually a very pleasant sight. 

I was just standing there, looking around when I heard Tara's voice. "Morgan?"

I turned and saw Morgan? My eyebrows furrowed. I hadn't seen him since he left to find mum. The man smiled and hugged Tara. "Hey." He greeted. Tara then stepped back, before Sasha hugged him. I wasn't going to hug him, I wanted to know where my mother was.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now