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"The building we want is up ahead." Tyresse commented. We'd parked the car, but we couldn't get any closer to the building we needed too, so we started walking through the campus.

After a few more minutes of walking, we found the building and the right floor. We got through the building relatively without any walkers. Dad then pushed open the squeaky door to the lab we needed. "All right, let's make this quick." Dad told us.

The first lab only had a few things we needed, but when we moved onto the next one... My eyes widened at the medication lining the back wall. It must have had everything we needed and more. I ran over to the pills. "Wait, what do we actually need?"

"Anything ending in cillin or cin. C-I-N." Bob said, approaching us after something in the other lab delayed him.  "We'll dissolve the pills in the IV's, put them right into the bloodstream. Dosage will be tricky but considering the time we lost..." Bob trailed off.

I opened up my empty backpack and started grabbing the orange small pots. I grabbed each one, very quickly reading the label and if it looked useful, I chucked it in my bag. Most of the things I decided was useful because Sophia was sick, and I couldn't lose her.

My dad and Tyreese entered from another lab. "How'd you do?" I asked them.

"Bags, tubes, clamps, connectors." Tyreese listed. "Everything on the list. What about y'all?"

"Every hard to pronounce word and more." I answered.

"Yea, we got it all." Bob agreed.

"Yea, we're good." Michonne confirmed, scanning over the shelf again.

"All right, let's role." Dad nodded.

We were walking through one of the halls when I noticed something in one of the classrooms. It was a walker, it looked crappier than usual though, like it was ill or something... Before it died obviously because walkers can't get ill. I peered in further and saw that for some reason there was about thirty walkers all at the back of the class. My eyes widened when I made eye contact with one, the growls escaping its mouth as it started coming towards the broken off doorway. "Shit." Dad let out, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hallway. We moved quickly and found a door labelled Stairwell, so we quickly went through. Michonne ran further into the room with Tyreese while Bob tried to close the door.

Me and dad stood in the middle. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get their attention. I'm sorry. I-"

"Babe, it's okay. Calm down, okay?" Dad said softly. I nodded, worriedly glancing at the door.

"Guys, door's broken." Bob told us. I took in a deep breath as my dad and Tyreese headed over there to barricade the door as best they could with abandoned shelves.

I ran towards Michonne, but she was backing away from a locked door and put her hand up for me to stop as well. "How many?" I asked.

"Can't tell." She responded, we noticed the fingers reaching through the crack between the two doors and we heard the groans. The other door started banging as well as the walkers reached it.

"We're trapped." Michonne said to the others.

"I'm sorry." I said again. I was worried because I got the attention of the walkers and therefore it was my fault we were trapped.

Dad, Tyreese and Bob ran towards me and Michonne as the barricade broke. "We can take them." Tyreese stated.

"No, they're infected. Just like the walkers that were on the run when Karen and David went. We fire at them, get their blood in us, breathe it in... We didn't come all this way to get sick." Bob responded.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now