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I didn't have time to process the rifle being pointed at my face because Rick had already pulled me back and stood between me and the armed man. Rick had one hand on his knife that was raised but not pointed at the man and the other hand on my arm as I was tightly clutching onto the back of his belt. "Who the hell are you?" The man demanded.

"We don't mean any harm." Rick started.

"Get out of my house!" The man yelled.

"Okay, okay, we will. But we can't right now." Rick insisted.

"Now, now!" The man shouted.

"Shut him up!" Michonne whisper yelled, standing by the door.

"Get out! Right now!" There was something not right about this man. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that we were surrounded by walkers.

"There are walkers outside!" Rick whisper yelled at the disturbed man.

"I'll call the cops!" The man warned.

"I am a cop." Rick pointed out. "Now, I need you to lower the gun. Don't do anything rash. Everything's fine, let's just take this nice and slow, okay?" Rick suggested, pocketing his knife. The man's eyes were everywhere as he was taking in his surroundings. "Look at me. Hey, hey"

The man cocked the gun and shoved it at Rick's face. "Show me your badge." He ordered.

"All right. It's in my pocket. Now I'm just gonna reach down, nice and slow." Rick calmed the man before taking his hand off of me and then he reached forward and slapped his gun away, it went off, but nobody was shot. Rick dived towards the man, so I let go and ran over to my dad. I was watching the sight, but dad forced me to turn around and hide my face in his stomach as he held me tightly.

"Let go of me! I'll kill you! Let go of me!" The man yelled, probably attracting more walkers.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Rick ordered. Something happened causing Rick to scream out in pain. I tried to turn around to see what happened but dad's grip on me wouldn't let me.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I heard the man yell and I also heard footsteps.

"Don't open that door!" Rick shouted. 

I then heard Michonne's katana, and the man went silent. Something heavy hit the floor.

"There's more walkers coming." Michonne informed us.

"Oscar, help me with the door." Rick said. I couldn't see what happened. But I heard them open the door but quickly shut it. Dad finally let me turn around. The man couldn't be seen and the walkers were outside eating something. "Daryl, check the back." Rick said, my dad nodded before walking away.

"Clear." Dad called.

I was still standing there in shock. "Are you okay?" Rick asked me.

I nodded before turning around and following my dad out the back. I wasn't okay. That man must've had dementia or some other disease. We entered his house and within two minutes he was dead. Maybe if I didn't move his blanket, he would still be alive. Maybe.

By the time we snuck up to Woodbury, it was nightfall. We hid behind one of their abandoned cars outside of the walls which were being patrolled as we stared. It was the safest place I'd seen since the dead started rising, safer than the prison. I doubt this place had walkers wondering around in locked hallways and people buried in the front yard.

We were standing in silence for a little before Michonne started walking away rather quickly. "Michonne!" I whispered after her, we couldn't risk being loud because about twenty feet away were six armed men on a wall.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now