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I was on watch. I was by the front gate, up on the tower, just watching. Looking out for walkers... For saviours. Sophia went out with Rick to look for supplies, Michonne went out... To do Michonne stuff, Carl had followed after Enid in a car. I wanted to go with, but I couldn't risk leaving my post and I couldn't find anyone to cover me in time. The saviours had stolen most of our mattresses, for some reason. I'm not sure why. They didn't take our food, or my chickens, but they took all our guns, some furniture and most of our mattresses. They left mine and Sophia's, but we gave ours to Mr and Mrs Cook, because they're old and can't sleep on just blankets.

I heard a noise to my left and saw Rosita coming up. "I'm here to relieve you." She smiled.

I let out a breath. "Thank god. I've been looking at the same thing for so damn long I was just hoping a walker would come by or something."

Rosita let a grin take over her face. When I went to walk past, she gently touched me shoulder so I moved back to my space. "I need to talk to you about something."

"What's that?" I asked.

She cleared her throat. "I know you saw me looking at two people who were with the saviours."

I nodded. "Their names are Megan and Carlos. How do you know them?"

Rosita gently reached out and ran a hand through my hair. She sighed, before taking her hand back, she bit her bottom lip slightly, before speaking. "Megan is Carlos' daughter... She's our auntie. Or, half auntie... Carlos is our abuelo. My mum and Isabella's father."

I raised my eyebrows in shock. "What?"

"I know. It took me by surprise too. I mean, I assumed he was dead. I hadn't seen him since I was ten. Last time I saw Megan, when I was ten, she was... Four, maybe five." Rosita told me.

I let out a breath. "So, the only biological family we have left is at the Sanctuary with Negan."

"I wouldn't call them family. But, I thought you had the right to know." Rosita nodded. "Did they talk to you? At the sanctuary?"

"Uh... Yea. Yea, they did. Didn't tell me the truth though, obviously. He said that he saw me and you that night, but I didn't know how he knew us. I didn't really care either... But, now..." I trailed off.

"I'm not sure how he recognised me. I haven't seen them in nearly two decades. You never met them. We owe them nothing. They are not are family. Rick, Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, Sophia, Daryl, Carol and all the others... They're our family now. Not Carlos or Megan. If she's anything like her father, we don't want to know either of them. Trust me." Rosita explained.

"They didn't want to be there-" I started.

"They're working with Negan. You saw them. They're not these supposedly innocent workers. They're apart of the reason that Abraham and Aaron are dead. Blood or not, they aren't family." Rosita stated.

I nodded. "Got it."

Rosita put her hand on my shoulder. "I love you, mi amor. You have got to know that, okay?"

I let a soft smile pull at my lips. "I know. I love you."

She patted my head. "Now go take a break."

I laughed, before doing as she said. I walked back home and closed the front door behind me. Rosita was currently the only other person in Alexandria who lived in the house with me, so for the first time for a while... I was home alone. I slowly climbed the stairs and went into my father's bedroom. His mattress was missing, but the rest of his stuff was there. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it for a couple beats.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now