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Me and Carl were running to where the cells were. Mama's would be far on the left, whereas Rick's would be far on the right. Just as we got to where I would go left, and Carl would go right... It all went wrong. There were men down the left corridor, pointing guns at us. There were people down the right corridor, pointing guns at us. They came from behind us, and in front of us. All of them, aiming guns at us. Me and Carl went back to back, me facing the left, and him facing the right.

"You didn't really think that you could go undetected in our compound did you?" The man who seemed to be in charge spoke, he was in front of me. "We know all about your little ploy to break out the crazy guy and the samurai. We're hunting down the rest of your little friends as we speak. And the traitor. You'll all be executed, together."

"We have no war to fight with you." Carl started. "Please, just let us take our people and we'll leave. Nothing here has to change."

The same man scoffed. "What will the old folk think if we just let you get away with that? We need you to be an example... Lock them in the cells until we find the rest of them."

Two men grabbed each one of my arms, and each of Carl's arms. They dragged me down the right, and Carl down the left. Why they swapped us over? I'm not sure. They put in me in a cell not to far down. They practically threw me in there before just walking away and leaving me. "Please, we can figure this out!" I yelled, hitting the metal bars. "Fuck." I muttered, turning to my cell. It had a small mattress and a small window. I went over to the window but it had been sealed shut. I knew that the cells used to be there for animals, so they must've just dragged the mattress from the town or something. I walked back over to the bars, and leaned against them.

"Yea, Johnny, she ate the last banana. I'm not sure how much longer I can be in the relationship. Like, that was a betrayal. I wanted that banana." I heard a man say to another guard as their voices drifted away.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wanting to know more about the story. When I was sure that the coast was clear, I reached into my bra and pulled out my pocket knife. I attempted to pick the lock, but the knife was too big to even go into the key hole. I rolled my eyes, fiddling with the blade in my hand. I walked back over to the window and watched the night. I knew it was only a few hours until the walker herd was on us. If I didn't get out? Well, I'd pretty much be locked in the cell while walkers took over. I'd either starve to death... Or, they'd find a way into the cell. I didn't know anymore with these variants. 

It was just before one in the morning when there was a man standing in front of my cell. I managed to still hold my knife, but in a way that he didn't see it. He was in a fancy suit, with a mask on. Since the other men weren't in suits, I realised that Chris didn't know that not everyone would be at the ball. They still had some lower level patrols. This guy though? He was important enough to have an invite. "What is your name, dear?" The man asked. His voice gave away how old he was. With his baldness, and the mask, it would've been hard to tell. Maybe he was in his eighties? To be fair, he was going strong.

"Why should I tell you?" I asked.

"Because I asked." He answered, like it was obvious. "Here, I'll start. My name is General Thompson."

"My name is I don't give a fuck, let me and my family go or we'll kill you all." I retorted.

"I don't see how you'll do that from inside a cell." He responded, I spied him holding the keys. "Where are your friends? We know there are more of you, but we can't seem to find them. Tell me where they are? And sure, I'll let you and the one eyed boy go."

I slowly walked over to him, making my voice as soft as possible. "You promise, General Thompson?"

He smirked. "Of course, I am a man of my word."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now