The New Day to Day

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"You can't escape us, Ellie." Simon's voice said. I looked at his smeary face as he stood on the back of one of the trucks, raising above all the rest. "Negan's everywhere."

As one of the men got ready to grab me, I took out one of his knees with the lead pipe. I swung at a guy who was behind me, probably bruising his liver or something. I was about to take it to another guy's head when someone behind me grabbed my biceps and pulled me back, forcing the lead pipe out of my hand. I used his body, pushing upwards and kicking the man in front of me; I kicked him in the chest with both feet. While my legs were in the air, somebody else grabbed them and held them up. I struggled to be let go, making eye contact with Carlos as I did so. There was something about his eyes... He hated what he was watching... But, if what I had heard about Negan from the workers were true, he was way to scared for his own life to speak up.

I had been driven back to the Sanctuary in the back of one of the trucks. My hands were now tied behind my back with rope. I was dragged out and forced onto my knees where Negan came over and stood in front of me. I kept my eyes trained on the floor. "You are an ungrateful little bitch, you know that? I give you a room nicer than I bet you've ever stayed, I don't make you work, I give you food, I give you freedom. I've already killed two of my men because I heard them conspiring to sneak into your room and rape you, you're welcome by the way. And... You run away. You ran. I thought we were old pals."

"We were never pals, Negan. Not even before the end of the world. You were just my P.E teacher. You only care now because I'm the only one left alive that you knew before the fall. But, you didn't even know me. Why the hell do you give a shit?" I asked, never looking up to him.

"Because like you said. You're the only person alive that I knew before the fall. I am sorry for taking an interest, but now?" He squatted down in front of me. He put his hand under my chin and gently made me look up to him. "You're gonna regret screwing with me, Dixon."

"The only thing I regret is not saving the one bullet I had and putting it between your eyes." I hissed.

He chuckled. "When you talk like that it makes me all gooey inside." He kept the smile on his face as he grabbed my hair and forced me to stand up with him. "We're putting her next to her father's cell. Hopefully they'll be able to hear each other cry in the night." Negan said to his crew as he started dragging me.

When we got to the corridors where all the cells were, he opened up my fathers. My father was sat in the corner, I didn't realise how dark the cell actually was until now. The song Easy Street had been blasting but it was turned off by one of Negan's minions. Dad sat up straighter when he saw me, panic instantly taking over his bruised face. I tried to fight off the tears as I'd realised he'd been beaten. "I tried." I told him, my voice cracking ever so slightly.

"Yes, she did. And, now she's gonna regret it. Just thought I'd let you know that she'll be in the cell next to yours, same song, same treatment, same food. You sure you don't wanna be apart of my crew, Daryl? It'll make life a lot better for your kid here." Negan pulled me hair even tighter.

"Dad, don't! I can handle it but what I can't handle is you being one of these murderous dicks." I tried.

Dad stared deep into my eyes, I gave him my best pleading face and he nodded at me. "I'm not joining your crew."

Negan huffed, tightening his grip in my hair even more. "I'll break you. I will. I always do." Then he slammed the door and the song started again. They threw me into the dark cell next to my father's and slammed the door. The only slither of light was that coming from the crack under the door... Other than that, it was darkness.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now