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Me, Sophia and Carl had chucked the walkers bodies to the bottom of the porch. We couldn't leave them inside but Rick didn't seem in a forgiving mood so we decided not to go outside the walls to dump them. The three of us were playing Uno again, because what else do you do when there's a disaster unfolding? We knew Rick didn't want to leave and Rick gets what Rick wants... Therefore if the people of Alexandria voted to kick him out... There would be a problem. So, we just had to hope they were smart enough not to vote against him.

Suddenly, the door opened, in walked Rick followed by some guy I had definitely never seen before and behind him was... Was my dad. "Morgan." Carl raised his eyebrows as Sophia ran over to my dad to hug him.

Dad smiled and hugged her tight. "Hi, sweetheart." His gruff voice was like music to my ears, because I had missed him, but I was way to petty to hug him since we didn't separate on the best of terms.

"What happened?" I looked between Rick and Morgan, completley ignoring my dad's eyes.

"Pete killed Reg. I killed Pete." Rick responded.

I clicked my tongue. "I don't know who either of those people are."

"Reg was Deanna's husband. Pete was the wife beater that I had my... Scuffle with in the street." Rick admitted.

I nodded. "Cool."

"So, they voted for you to stay?" Carl questioned.

"Yea. Yea, I'm staying." Rick nodded before walking over to the kitchen followed by Carl, Morgan and Sophia.

I looked to dad and he started speaking first. "Hey, ba-" He cut himself off when I just walked away towards the kitchen.

"I was heading to Washington." I heard Morgan say. "I found this map a while back... Been trying to get there until I ran into Daryl and Aaron." Morgan showed the map with the message Abraham wrote on it for Rick. When me, Maggie, Glenn, Tara, Eugene, Rosita and Abraham left the others... But then turned back cause turns out Eugene was a prick.

"So, are you the Morgan that saved Rick's life? Right at the beginning?" I questioned.

He nodded. "Yes. Yes, I suppose I am."

"Rick talked about you quite a bit." I smiled.

"I'm sorry about your son." Sophia said softly, sympathy in her voice. I pursed my lips together and looked away from him, hoping he wouldn't start grieving cause I can't comfort people

He nodded. "Thank you... You must be Sophia, right?" He then turned to me. "And you're Ellie?"

"How'd you know?" Sophia asked.

"Your father talked about you both on the way over here. Sophia would confront difficult situations to be polite and comfort people. Ellie would just avoid situations involving emotion or people at all costs if she can." Morgan answered.

I scoffed. "I don't avoid people."

"You practically ran away from Mrs Tanner at Deanna's party." Carl pointed out.

"Okay, that was because she started small talk with me. Who does that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"How'd you run into our dad?" Sophia changed the subject, supressing a laugh.

"He saved our asses is how. Me and Aaron would be dead if it wasn't for this guy right here." Dad answered.

"You almost died?" Sophia sounded concerned. Dad was now sitting on one of the high chairs surrounding the kitchen island, so Sophia walked over to stand by him and put her arms around his shoulders.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now