New Mexico, Baby!

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Rosita let out a huff as her and mum's soup finally finished cooking over the make shift camp fire we made. We'd created a small fire and managed to use an old metal rod we find. Sophia bent it into shape so that we could rest cans of food above the fire. We found three cans of food, so it was one between two. Rosita and mum had chicken soup, Sophia and dad had beans, while me and Carl shared some sauce thing that was supposed to be served with meat. We were in the living room of the only house in the street that didn't have broken windows or doors. "I thought we were done living like this." Rosita said, quietly before putting the spoonful of soup into her mouth.

All of the food we had brought with us had run out as we ran into more difficulties than we imagined. The drive would've taken about twenty four hours in the old world. We were estimating it to take us about a week. We were now on day seventeen, dad estimated we'd be there within the next five days.

"Well, maybe if Ellie hadn't blown up my dad." Carl muttered. I didn't blame him, we were all hungry and tired.

"Carl." Dad said in a warning tone.

"There's no point us getting angry at each at this stage." Sophia told him.

Carl grunted. "Sorry, I'm just exhausted." 

"We all are." Mum pointed out.

"This kinda reminds me of that first winter." I said, quietly.

Sophia nodded. "Except a lot of things have changed since then."

"A lot." Carl repeated.

"You know, I'm not really hungry. Carl, you can finish this off." I pushed the can further to him.

"Baby-" Dad started.

"I'll be on the RV. I just need some air." I interrupted, getting up and leaving the house. I entered the RV before climbing up onto the roof and laying on my back. I stared up at the stars as I let the night air tickle at my arms and breeze over my face. No matter what words left Carl's mouth, he'd never forgive me for what happened to Rick. I didn't blame him. I'd never blame him.

Not long later, I heard the house door open and looked to see it was Sophia. She smiled up at me before entering the RV. She climbed up and lay next to me, also watching the stars. Sophia reached her arm into the air and pointed. "The Big Dipper." She stated. "Also known as the Ursa Major."

"Thanks, I'll make sure to mention that on my application to NASA." I commented.

Sophia laughed quietly. "What's up?"

"Just needed some air." I muttered.

"Sure." Sophia responded sarcastically. "It's not like I know you better than pretty much every person ever."

I smiled. "You're right. You actually know more about me than dad does."

Sophia hummed. "So, you know you can't lie to me."

I let out a breath. "Carl's never gonna forgive me."

Sophia gently nudged my arm. "Of course he will. He does. He's just tired."

"He's making excuses because he feels guilty." I dismissed her.

"Why would he feel guilty?" Sophia asked.

"Carl's the reason I was out in the woods when I had to fight Beta. I blame myself for that too, but I know he blames himself. So, it's a whole mess." I let out a breath. "It's not like I blame him for not forgiving me. I don't know if I'd be able to forgive him. I understand why he's mad at me... It just sucks that things will never be like how they were."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now