The Party

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Deanna was hosting a party. Some welcome crap for me and the others. I was not a fan but Rosita forced me to attend. You know what's even worse? Mrs Cook had given me a dress because she still had some clothes that her granddaughter used to wear. Ya know, before the end of the world. I hadn't worn a dress like ever so it was a very uncomfortable feeling as I stood in front of the floor length mirror in mine and Soph's room. Luckily, Mrs Cook had a dress for Sophia as well, so I wasn't the only one. Everyone around Alexandria had basically donated our group nicer clothes to wear and I hated it. I refused to wear the donated clothes because none  of them were my style anymore. Before the end of the world, I would have loved to dress in pink dresses and skirts... But, Isabella said I'd look ridiculous, so I stuck to jeans.

The door opened and in walked Sophia in her dress. "You look stunning." I smiled at her.

She laughed. "I missed dressing like this... It's a bit fancy but for the first time in a long time I'm feeling really good about my choice in outfit."

"I see why

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"I see why." I grinned at her.

She smiled at me. "You look-"

"Ridiculous? I know. Isabella always said I should never wear dresses. I should just not go. It's not really my scene." I rambled. "I've never been to a party. Me nor Emily ever had birthday parties, and I didn't have any other friends. The closest I've come to going to a party is when me and Isabella would go over other Vipers houses and they'd drink and do drugs. Although, sometimes they'd come over our house as well, so-"

"Ellie." Sophia interrupted me.


"I was gonna say you look nice." She smiled.

I looked back to the mirror

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I looked back to the mirror. "Oh."

She laughed. "Come on, we don't wanna be late."

"Yea, you're right." I nodded and we left the room together.

"I'll stay at the party for a little bit but at about eight I'm going to meet Enid behind the church." Sophia told me.

"Why there?" I questioned.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now