Material Girls

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Three jobs. Six team mates. One very attractive ex-actor.

Dad and Carl were taking Chris Evans back to his post to knock him out.

Mum, Rosita, me and Sophia were heading into town. Chris, dad and Carl had to walk while us ladies took the RV. We listened to Madonna's Material Girl on repeat on the way over there. Why? Because there was nobody there to roll their eyes at us. Dad couldn't take Chris back on his bike because we had to ditch it a while ago to save on fuel. Mum and Rosita were going to get the map. Me and Sophia were going to get us all outfits for the ball. Apparently we'd have to blend in at the party for at least three minutes before we could slip out to go find mama and Rick.

Rosita stopped the RV outside of an expensive looking clothing store. "You girls pick suitable outfits now, okay?"

"We will, mum." Sophia smiled, brightly.

"It's like what you said before we raided that mall after the CDC. We have better taste." I grinned, picking up a stray brick before throwing it through the window of the store.

"I have no faith in this plan." Rosita sighed out, as mum closed the door and the RV drove off to find New Mexico's Hilarious History. Me and Sophia headed through the broken window after she sliced the head of a stray walker.

"I'm cold." Sophia pointed out.

"We're in the middle of the freaking desert." I laughed, taking my jacket from around my waist and handing it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled, slipping on the army print denim. I was now wearing a white cropped top with light blue denim shorts and black hiking boots. I still wore the black, leather, fingerless gloves on my hands. I had to scavenge different ones to the pair I first found in the Big Spot though, since I was ten at the time. Maybe nine, it was a long time ago. I stopped caring if my outfits were clashing when I once had to wear one of my dad's shirt and Carl's jogging bottoms for a week during that first winter. All of my clothes were covered in walker guts at the time, and I couldn't stand the smell any longer. "So, what are you thinking of going for?" Sophia asked.

I picked up the shortest dress I could find. "Something to piss dad off." I suggested.

She laughed. "Classy."

"Thanks." I grinned, chucking it to the ground.

"What about this?" Sophia suggested, holding up a light pink, flowery dress.

"Cute, you gonna try it on?" I asked.

She looked at it again, nodding before starting to change. I found a suit for my dad, and a suit for Carl. I bagged them both before heading back to the dresses, just as Sophia spoke. "What do you think?" She asked.

I turned around and let a warm smile take over my lips. "You look gorgeous."

She laughed, looking in the mirror. "You think so?"

"I always do." I answered, looking back to the dresses. "But, ya know, this is a life saving mission. Not a dress up party."

"Could be a rescue mission while we play dress up?" She teased, changing back into her normal clothes. 

I laughed. "If it makes you happy." I responded, finding a red dress for Rosita and a silver one for mum.

Sophia carefully put her new dress in a bag while looking through the weird looking masks. "What colour suits did you grab for Carl and dad?"

"Black, why?" I asked.

"We need masks." Sophia answered.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now