When Dreams Come True

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Me and Rosita found our spot. We were up on top of one of the many sand dunes that surrounded the area. There weren't any walkers I had seen walking around in the desert. My guess is that their frail frames couldn't stand the harsh winds of sand storms. That perhaps the sand ripped their bodies apart. I did wonder what would happen if a herd were to come through when there were to be no sand storms to save them.

However, that wasn't my problem. 

The sun finally rose and we were all staking out for the first day. It was me and Rosita. She used binoculars while I just kept an eye on our surroundings. "Why am I Coco's middle name?" I suddenly asked.

Rosita smiled. "Partly to rub it in Megan's face."

I laughed. "Okay, but... Why? I mean, a name is a big thing, ya know."

"Because I love you, mi amor. We've been through thick and thin together. And, you may have slipped once or twice but you handled it well. You were always there for everyone else... Truth is, I look up to you." Rosita explained.

"I'm shorter than you." I pointed out.

My cousin laughed. "You know what I mean."

I shook my head, sighing slightly. "I'm nothing to look up too."

"You oughta give yourself more credit, Ellie." Rosita shook her head. When I scoffed quietly, Rosita spoke. "I wasn't there for all of it, but I've heard the stories. Who saved Sophia when her brother held her head under the water? Who saved Sophia when the two of you were lost in the woods after the CDC? Who got that old man's watch from the lake so her group could stay at a farm? Who managed to get herself and Sophia off of the farm and to the highway with everyone else? Who stowed away in a car just because she knew that she needed to save Maggie and Glenn from Woodbury? Who remembered where all the ammo was in your old neighbourhood to fight that war against the Governor? Who went on a dangerous mission to get medication for your people who were sick? Who saved a very sick Sophia after the prison? Who murdered a man who tried to hurt Sophia? Who saved everyone from Terminus?... I'm missing a shit ton of stories out, but that was all just within the first year of the world falling. Ellie, you've saved so many people. Myself included. Coco included. I could list a thousand times that you prioritised others safety over your own. So don't gimmie that crap again or I'll tie you a chair and I will remind you."

I bowed my head. "Guess I have done a lot of stuff."

"Most of it being stupid." Rosita mumbled. "Don't think I forgot about the time you tried to sacrifice yourself to Negan so you could save Abraham. I'm still mad at you for that."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I responded sarcastically.

"Also, the day that Coco was born? She gave me that same damn stink eye you give literally everyone you don't like. Which is a very long list." Rosita told me.

"What are you talking about? I'm very subtle when I don't like people." I scoffed.

Rosita laughed. "Sure you are, mi amor."

"Speaking of Coco. When we go back? I'm gonna teach her how to swim." I decided.

Rosita laughed. "How are you gonna do that?"

"I read a book about it from the library. I'm pretty sure you just chuck them in. Kinda like dogs, but you grab them before they can sink." I told her.

Rosita looked confused. "That can't be right."

I shrugged. "Either way. I can't wait for her to be older so that we can have swimming races against each other. Finally, I'll have some competition. RJ has a fear of large bodies of water, I found that out the hard way. So, I had to give up on him being swimming competition. Coco however? I can see it. She'll be nearly as good as me one day."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now