Will This be the Final Battle?

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It had been two days. Dr Ackles had fixed up my leg. We buried our dead. We had a plan to get rid of Negan. The first group moved out, they didn't want me, Sophia and Carl there... So, half an hour after the first group left, and half an hour before the second group left, me, Carl and Sophia snuck out. We were some of the best fighters they had, they may have benched us for six months, but they had no idea what we'd done. I was responsible for the deaths of 143 people, I probably had one of the highest body counts in the world, and they really wanted to sit me out?

We were walking through the forest, catching up with the first group. "I can't wait to see Negan dead." I blurted out. "After everything he's done to us? To Maggie and Glenn? He deserves to rot in Hell."

"I don't know." Carl said.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't think we should kill him." Carl stated.

I over took him to stand in front of him so we stopped. Him and Sophia stopped walking as well. "Come on, guys, we don't need to argue right now." Sophia said.

"No, no, I wanna know what he's talking about." I responded. "You don't think Negan deserves to die?"

Carl sighed. "I think he deserves a real punishment. If we kill him? And the rest of the Saviours? We're just as bad as they are. We could all work together to build something. Something more than just war and death."

"They started this war." I reminded him.

"A lot of them were dragged into it just to survive. Your grandfather and aunt are Saviours-" I interrupted Carl.

"Don't even go there, Grimes. I barely know them, I don't know them. Why would I give a shit? If I see them out there? I'm gonna kill them like every other Saviour I see." I responded.

"I've already talked to my dad. He agrees." Carl stated. "We're going to try and take Negan alive. Strike a deal with the rest of them. Build a real community: Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, Sanctuary and Oceanside."

"This ain't a good idea, Carl." I shook my head. "Negan deserves to die! After all the people he's killed, you can't be serious!"

"Ellie, stop yelling." Sophia ordered, slicing the head of a nearby walker that had heard me.

"Negan's going to die, Carl. He has too." I stated, before turning around and starting to walk.

"We'll see." Carl responded. I turned around, ready to yell at him but Sophia got between us, facing me.

"Keep walking, El. We don't need to argue. We just need to catch up." Sophia reminded me.

"You agree with him?" I asked.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Sophia nodded. "Negan deserves punishment, not the easy way out. The rest of them deserve a second chance."

I scoffed, shaking my head and continuing to walk. "This is bullshit." I muttered to myself.

An hour later, I saw them. It was clear that they were taking a walking break. "Ellie?" I heard Rosita say. "Sophia, Carl, the hell you three doing here?"

Dad, mum and Rick stood up when they saw us. "Didn't really think you could do this crap without us, did you?" I grinned.

"Wipe that grin off your face and turn your ass back around. You ain't doing this. We're waiting for the second group, then we're going. You three are going home." Dad ordered.

"Yea, I think the hell not." I denied.

"Excuse me?" Rick furrowed his eyebrows.

"Dad, we're staying." Carl stated, before I had a probably more colourful answer.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now