Route 16

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As I started running through the forest, I noticed the pain in my back and the limp it caused. I knew it would only be temporary, but it was inconvenient while trying to kill walkers. The rest of the herd had seen us run into the forest, so that's exactly where they went. When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I pulled out my boomerang, ready to kill it when I saw it was Glenn.

We didn't say anything as we proceeded to run, my limp slowing us all down. We were running along a path in the woods to avoid getting lost when we saw we were being cut off by about fifteen walkers. I started throwing my boomerang at them to file down the number of walkers we were dealing with as Rick and Glenn shot at the other side of the herd.

"Where's Glenn?" I suddenly heard Rick ask rather loudly since the walkers groaning was annoyingly loud.

I looked around but failed to spot the man. "I don't know!" I could hear gun shots from further in the forest, but couldn't locate exactly where it was coming from as the noise echoed around the forest and was muffled by groaning walkers.

"Ellie, come on." Rick pulled me and we ran further into the forest but we couldn't afford to run to far because we had more walkers to kill. "Glenn!"

"He has to be around here somewhere." I rationalised. "Glenn, where are you?" I yelled. Me and Rick were facing the same direction. Rick was shooting them but he ran out of ammo. I was about to pass him a full magazine when he grabbed the flare gun and shot it into the head of the closest walker. The shot lit up the walker's mouth and eye sockets before blowing up its head. "Cool." I let out.

The light stayed on in the walker's head, lighting up the area. The walkers passed over the dead walker to come and get us. I threw my boomerang, Rick shot some more after taking my full magazine. Suddenly, there were more gun shots and the walkers were very quickly overpowered and killed. I turned around to see Glenn and Aaron. "If you really wanna tie me up again that's fine, but make it quick." Aaron said to Rick, while putting his gun on the floor and his hands up.

"There's no time. We're going that way." Rick picked up the gun and started quickly walking in a direction. I went after him as fast as I could, but my limp and sore back slowed me down.

"You're limping, Ellie. Are you okay?" Aaron questioned.

"Yea, this strange man threw me about ten feet with a car door and I landed on my back. I've probably done something to my spine. I'll be fine." I replied.

"I'm sorry... I didn't see you through the blood." Aaron apologised.

"It's fine, just don't tell the others. I know a few people who'd put you down if they found out." I responded.

We made it onto a clear road, I noticed a sign saying Route 16. Turns out we should've listened to Aaron after all. "Where are they?" Rick demanded, getting close to Aaron's face.

"I don't know." Aaron breathed out.

"If this is a trap to get us back where you want us? Your people are gonna die tonight." Rick informed him.

"Cool, anyways, there's the water thing. That's where the flare came from." I pointed to the tall thingamajig before I started limping down the road. As I was walking I was suddenly scooped up by someone who was sitting me on their hip, I saw Glenn. His right hand under me to keep sitting there while his left was hanging down, just holding his machete. "Wha- Glenn?"

"You'll hurt your leg more." He responded.

"I don't need-" I started.

"Yes, Ellie, you do." Glenn replied, glancing at me and giving my worried face a comforting smile. I hugged my arms round him before resting my head on his shoulder.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now