2 - 1 = The Fall of Negan

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Me, Sophia and Carl headed to the Hilltop straight away. Usually, we head to Alexandria first but Hilltop happened to be closer and we wanted to check on Maggie and the babies. We were listening to Single Ladies by Beyoncé because we looted a music store. We have our priorities. Sophia was driving while we all sang along to the Queen. 

It was night time as we were doing a bit of Karaoke. However, as we got closer, we saw the gates of the Hilltop were pretty much on the ground. Smoke was in the air, trucks were parked outside, once Sophia turned down Single Ladies, we heard the gun shots. "Shit!" I yelled grabbing my machine gun from the table. 

Sophia pressed on the peddle, avoiding the trucks as she ploughed through people and walkers. I went into the bathroom and up through the sky light so I could get onto the roof. I started shooting people and walkers. Mostly walkers because I didn't know everyone and I didn't want to accidentally shoot one of ours.

"Ellie!" I heard my dad yell.

I looked up and saw him also killing walkers. I furrowed my eyebrows, before I felt it. A bullet entered the side of my right thigh, it was enough force to push me off the RV. "Shit!" I yelled. I shot the walkers that realised I was there. I let out a groan as I forced myself up and shot a guy who lifted his gun at me.

"Ellie, I got you!" Maggie said, coming over to me and putting her arm around my waist to help drag me away.

"Where's everyone?" I asked, watching as Sophia and Carl shot their way through to my dad.

"Evacuated." Maggie responded, shooting a Saviour.

"Even the babies?" I questioned.

"Mrs Cooper got them out." Maggie said as she dragged me over to the secret exit.

"You saw them get out?" I asked. My father was getting Sophia and Carl out through the secret exit, he glanced at me and Maggie but once he realised nothing was around us and we were completley fine, he followed Soph and Carl.

"No, but Mrs Cooper's good." Maggie replied.

"Shit." I muttered. "You get out. I'm going to check."

"No, I'm not leaving you." Maggie denied.

I shot a walker coming up behind her. "Glenn will be worrying. Tell them I'll be out in as second. I'm right behind you." I pushed her to get into the secret exit.  "Go!" I yelled.

"Damnit, be careful!" Maggie responded.

I shot a couple more Saviours before running into the house which had an open front door. I shut the door behind me before going upstairs as fast I could. I tried to ignore the throbbing, burning pain in my leg as I made my way upstairs. When I got to the top of the stairs, I noticed some snagged walker skin on the top of the railing. I cursed under my breath, deciding to tie my black bandana around my shot leg before going as fast as I could to where I knew the twins were.

When I rounded the corner, I saw one Moses basket out, there were two walkers banging on the closet door... One of the walkers were Mrs Cooper. My mouth opened slightly at the realisation that Mrs Cooper was dead. I raised my gun and shot them both in the head. When the walker that clearly killed Mrs Cooper fell to the ground, I eyed the fresh blood around his mouth.

I could hear one baby crying, coming from the closet. Mrs Cooper must have known she was being followed by a walker, she tried to get them both in the closet but the walker got to her before she could. My breath caught in my throat as I approached the Moses basket. My chest was tight as I took slow and tentative steps towards it. I closed my eyes when I got there, putting my hands on the edge of the basket, before I slowly opened them.

I stumbled a few steps back when I saw it. Noises of fear and cries left my mouth at the sight. One hand slowly raised to cover my mouth as I tried not to sob. I shook my head and forced the tears back as I dragged the two walkers away from the door. 

I grabbed the crying baby wrapped in the blanket. Hershel was okay. He stopped crying once he was in my arms.

I walked over to his sister. With one hand, I wrapped up what was left with the blanket and picked her up too. I wouldn't leave her behind. I only met her once, but she was family. She was just a baby. This was Negan's fault. Negan orchestrated this attack, he always does. 

Negan killed Glenn and Maggie's daughter.

I made my way out of the house. Most of the walkers were dead. The one's which were alive started to follow the trucks that were driving away. Some of the Saviours got away. I made my way over to the secret exit, and opened it with my foot. I couldn't climb down a ladder holding a new born baby... And trying to support the other. So, I jumped. Was it the safest? No. But, Hershel was okay. A groan did escape my mouth at the impact on my leg.

I walked through the tunnel, and eventually made it to everyone. I nearly bumped into Glenn and Maggie who were clearly going back for their babies. "Oh, thank god." Glenn let out. Tears filled my eyes, and I couldn't stop them. I took a step back, the look on my face would've given it away if they wanted to accept it.

"Ellie, can I have my babies, please?" Maggie held out her arms.

"Hershel's okay. I think I should just hold onto him." I whispered.

"And Beth?" Glenn pushed.

A sob escaped my mouth as everyone stared at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't get there in time. The walker got Mrs Cooper too-" Before I could finish, Maggie had fallen to her knees. She was screaming, sobbing. Enid ran over and wrapped her arms around her. Glenn took a few steps back, shaking his head, tears in his eyes. I bit my bottom lip. "I'm so sorry." My voice cracked, the blood loss really wasn't helping with this.

Rick came over and took Hershel from me. "It's not your fault." He whispered to me, his face was riddled with grief as he tried to control himself. The only noise was Maggie's sobs, her screams. The screams of a grieving mother is something you'll never forget, and I've heard them too many times. Glenn was punching a tree until my father pulled him back. Dad hugged Glenn tight, because Glenn just broke down. He couldn't hug my father back, but my dad didn't let go.

Just when I thought the moment couldn't get any worse, I heard growling. I slowly looked down to Beth. The part the walker got to was hidden under the pink blanket but the blood was slowly seeping through. Her face was okay, apart from the toothless mouth trying to bite me, the glazed over eyes, the pale skin... A lifeless baby is something you don't want to see. Something that shouldn't exist. I looked around to people, but nobody seemed to be telling me what to do. I could feel her trying to move her arms under the blanket to grab me. 

Michonne was staring in shock, I made eye contact with her. "What do I do?" I practically whispered.

Maggie slowly stood up and on shaky legs walked over to me. Another sob left her lips as she looked at her daughter. "My baby." She let out. "This is Negan's fault." Maggie said, her sadness replaced with anger. Maggie slowly pulled out her pocket knife, the growls of her daughter were the only thing that could be heard.

"Maggie, you don't have too." I told her.

"Yes, I do." She whispered, slowly raising her arm. I looked away when she put the blade against the girl's temple. I heard the slice, and then I heard the growls stop as the baby stilled in my arms.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now