Happy Birthday

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I was in bed, happily enjoying my sleep. I didn't get much time to rest these days, with the flu taking more people, the walkers still banging on the fence. Luckily, it hadn't fallen over a couple days ago when it looked like it was going too. Rick lured them away with the piglets while the others set up beams for extra support. I was still sharing a room with Sophia; we'd done our cell up more though. We had a mint green sheet over our door to add colour. I had a pink duvet set; Sophia had a purple one. We had a plant in the corner of the room and my photo frame was up on the wall. We even had a small light pink and light purple tie dye rug on the floor.

Suddenly I felt a weight on my body. "Happy birthday!" Sophia yelled into my ear.

"What the..." I groaned, trailing off because it was way too early for me to be waking up.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Carol's voice said to me.

My face was still buried in my pillow. "Oh yea." I said, tiredly.

"You're officially in double digits." Dad said, shaking my leg a little.

"That's great. I'd rather be asleep though." I responded, lifting my head from the pillow.

Sophia jumped down, my dad picked me up and walked me out and downstairs before carrying me into the table room. "Happy birthday!" Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, Hershel and Beth yelled.

I flinched at the loud noise. "Oh, sweet Jesus that was way too loud for this time in the morning." I said, rubbing my ear a little, causing everyone to laugh. "Thanks though."

Dad put me down on one of the chairs which I stood on. I was in my pyjamas and since the prison didn't have central heating, I was very cold. I saw a couple gift bags on the table. "This is from me and Carl." Sophia handed me a small bag.

"Thanks." I smiled, moving to sit down on the table. When I opened it, I saw more polaroids for my camera. "No way." I laughed, looking at them. "Thanks, guys." I smiled at Sophia and Carl. They hadn't left the prison, so I knew those two hadn't gotten them, but I appreciated them anyways.

"This is from me, Maggie and our dad." Beth handed over another gift bag.

"Thanks." I grinned when she passed it over. I opened it up and it was a book with two butterflies on the cover, when I opened it... It was a scrap book. Only about fifty pages, but it would take me a very long time to fill it. "Oh my god, I love it. Thanks, guys."

"You deserve it. Ten is a very big number." Hershel smiled at me. I smiled back.

"This is from me and Michonne." Rick passed over another gift bag.

"Thank you." I laughed, opening up the bag and laughing again when I saw chocolate. Three bars and two small bags. "Chocolate!" I said excitedly. Everyone laughed at how excited my face was. "I love chocolate. We can all enjoy some of this tonight." I told everyone, eyeing the chocolate.

"You'll share with us?" Maggie questioned.

"No, I'm gonna eat all this chocolate myself." I said, sarcastically. "Of course, I'll share."

"This is from me but it's kinda a continuation of Maggie, Beth and Hershel's present." Glenn handed over a small gift bag.

"Thank you." I smiled when I took it from him. Opening it up, I saw glue, pens, arts and crafts rhinestones and different small tubes of glitter. "I can bedazzle my book." I smiled, everyone laughed at me again. I felt incredibly awkward with everyone looking at me, but they were my family, so I didn't mind so much.

"This is off me and your father." Mum handed me a small bag.

"But, we got another surprise for you later on." Dad patted my back.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now