Kaboom... Part 2?

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I was quite literally dragged from bed. My body hit the floor as someone sat on me before starting to tickle my sides. This woke me up as I squealed laughing, trying to get away. I opened my eyes and saw Carl. "Hell you doing, Cotton Eyed Joe?" I complained.

"Waking you up." Carl said like it was obvious. 

"Get off me." I laughed, pushing at his stomach before he gave me a hand up. I looked over to Sophia who was putting her hair into a French braid.  "Morning, Sunshine."

"They got bacon!" Jessie yelled into the room before running.

I shook my head. "It's too early for this crap."

Carl wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin at the top of my head. "You love us really."

I shrugged. "When you're silent maybe." I took my hair out of its ponytail so I could re-do it neatly, be somewhat presentable. Carl started tickling my side again. My hands were occupied so I tried jumping away and keeping him away with my left leg. "Carl freaking Grimes, I will take your other eye if you keep doing that."

"You would not think that you two are a couple of the best fighters this world has." Sophia commented.

"He started it." I muttered.

"You should've woken up." Carl defended.

"Why? Chris Evans was much more entertaining." I said, smiling.

"You are head over heals." Carl scoffed.

"Yes, sir." I finished with my hair, before walking out of the room.

Me, Sophia and Carl had quite literally stuffed our faces at breakfast. "Oh my god, if I eat anymore. I'm gonna explode." Sophia said, before putting another strawberry in her mouth. "Would totally be worth it."

"Everyone is staring at us." Carl said, his mouth full of bacon before he added a grape.

"Let them stare." I shrugged, biting into my bacon butty again. "I think I forgot what bread tastes like before today."

"I baked you children a cake." A kind looking lady said, smiling at us. "I couldn't help but notice how skinny you all are; I heard that your food situation was tough, and, well... I just couldn't help myself. I'm Nabila."

My mouth was agape at the chocolate cake in front of my eyes. I slowly reached out and took the plate. "You're a God, Nabila. A God."

"She means thank you." Sophia laughed as I took a fork and ate some of the cake, humming happily at the taste.

"I thought I made that clear. Did I not make that clear? I'm sorry." I spoke with my mouth full. "This cake is Heaven."

"Agreed." Carl said, his mouth equally as full.

"There you guys are. Your parents sent me to come get- is that cake?" Sasha said, approaching us and standing by Nabila. 

"It's not just cake. It's a God given gift." I answered, scooping some onto the fork and holding it out for Sasha. She ate it off the fork and a smile appeared on her face.

She hummed. "That is amazing."

"Oh, thank you. All of you." Nabila smiled, her smile was wide and beautiful.

"Really, thank you. But, we really better be off." Sasha nodded.

"Okay. Uhm..." I trailed off. "Oh, here." I put my fork down. I then grabbed each side of the cake with my hands and lifted it off the plate. "Carl, get the bottom." He put his hands under the chocolate cake. "Soph, the plate."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now