The Day to Day

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I was sitting in the kitchen and eating one of the cookies me, Sophia, mum and dad had made the day before. "You ready for your second-first day of school?" Michonne questioned, walking into the kitchen in her knew police uniform.

"Yea, officer Michonne." I saluted her. She smiled and shook her head. "You ready to walk around like a nark?" 

She hummed, also picking up one of the cookies. "Ready as I'll ever be... You actually staying in school today?"

I nodded. "Daddy's walking me over there. He's gonna have a talk with Mrs Tanner, tell her what happened and make sure I don't leave again... So, guess I'm stuck." I sighed. "Mrs Tanner has her break between twelve and one, because my class ends at twelve and the big kids starts at one. Sophia promised she'll play with Teddy and Dolly with me within that hour."

"Then remember when you come home from school, you gotta move your stuff upstairs. We're going to start settling in." Michonne took another bite of the cookie.

I hummed. "There's a room with bunk beds upstairs. Me and Soph have already taken our packs up, we just gotta unload everything. Shouldn't take too long."

Michonne grinned, just before dad walked into the room. "You ready, babe?"

I groaned. "Ready as I'll ever be." I finished the cookie and brushed my hands together. "See ya later, Michonne. Good luck on shift."

She tapped my head as I passed her. "Good luck in school."

Dad was walking me over to the garage. "You sure I can't convince you to let me stay off today as well?"

"I'm sure. Sorry, angel." Dad looked down to me.

"You still haven't showered, have you?" I raised my eyebrows. Dad laughed and shook his head before looking up as we reached the garage.

"Ah, you must be Ellie's father." Mrs Tanner came to greet us, raising her hand to shake my dad's.

Dad shook her hand. "Yea, I'm Daryl."

"I'm Mrs Tanner. How's Ellie feeling today?" She smiled down at me.

"She wasn't ill, she just didn't want to stay here because school sucks." Dad said it how it is.

"Oh, I try to make classes as fun as possible, but she left before I had the chance too." Mrs Tanner shrugged.

"School sucks either way. Anyways, she's not ill today, so handcuff her to the desk if you have too. I got some rope you could borrow, but she's not running away today, are you, princess?" Dad looked down to me with a sarcastic smile.

I sighed. "Guess not."

"Thank you, Mr Dixon. I think I got it from here." She smiled at my father.

Dad nodded. "See ya later, baby."

"Bye." I muttered, walking further into the garage and sitting on a chair by a table.

"See ya later, baby." Sam mocked quietly from the seat next to me.

I glared at him. "Why are you being a dick to me?"

"You freaked out over a car. It was pretty funny." Ben defended his friend.

"Alright, today we're going to do some science. Now, who wants to tell me what the definition of gravity is?" Mrs Tanner started to teach. And so it began.

It was a very long four hours. We had a half an hour break in between but I stayed in my seat anyway. Mrs Tanner said I needed to earn break time because she didn't trust that I wouldn't run away... To be fair, I was planning on running away.

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